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The Ins and Outs of Today’s Publishing Landscape

As an author, it can be difficult to keep up with everything that’s going on in the publishing industry. Especially if writing books is not your full-time job. It can be a daunting task writing proposals, meeting with agents and getting in front of publishers.

You just want to see your book do well and hopefully sell thousands of copies. Some money in your pocket would be also be nice.

In the video below, I explain the publishing landscape, what your publishing options are, what acquisitions editors look for, and what to expect once you get started.

  • Traditional vs. independent vs. self-publishing
  • How to get your book to international market
  • How to approach shipping costs
  • Becoming a bestseller
  • Do you need book preorders?

I was interviewed by Catherine Moolenschot, once again. She is a writing mentor, author, and book editor based in Australia. Catherine wrote her first book when she was 13 years old, and spoke at TEDx when she was just 17. Today, she mentors CEOs and professionals through the process of writing a quality book in six months. Read more here >

Catherine and I hope this video teaches aspiring and debut authors how to choose the right publishing strategy.

Watch the full 29-minute video here:

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