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Walk To The Beat Of Your Own Rhythm

Andrea Lewis

How to get unstuck from repeated patterns and lead an empowering life

Stop replaying the past and worrying about the future. Live in the present where mysteries unfold. Andrea Lewis documents her personal journey from pain and dysfunction to peace and fulfillment.

  Biography & Memoir    Self-Help   75,000 words   75% complete   5 publishers interested
$180.00 funded
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9 preorders
1% of goal


In Walk To The Beat Of Your Own Rhythm: How to get unstuck from repeated patterns and lead an empowering life Andrea experiences a mid-life crisis, as she realizes that she’s been trying to live up to other people’s expectations.

Resigning from her stable job as a Senior Desktop Publisher in the government, she has big dreams of living a simpler life in Tuscany, Italy. But when her plans fall through, Andrea questions the reason she feels stuck.

Until she meets Tomas, who she believes is the soul mate she’s long searched for. Except Andrea’s romanticized version of a soul mate is soon shattered, Tomas is just like the other men she dated—emotionally unavailable.

Yet she remains in the relationship, hoping that things will change if she simply shifts her mindset to what she wants, instead of what she doesn’t.

The longer she stays, the more Andrea struggles to cope with the relationship filled with drama, problems and emotional turmoil.

Even more confusing Tomas awakens past-life memories. Andrea asks God for answers to why the relationship is so like her dysfunctional upbringing and wants to know what these past-life memories have to do with anything!

After the relationship ends dramatically, Andrea is on a mission to stop repeating the same old pattern.

She digs deep in her Empowerment Coaching program and though she gains clarity, after she graduates and her business doesn’t take off as she expected, Andrea questions if she is on the right path.

Then she encounters a Spiritual Coach at a Celtic Fair, who suggests to Andrea study the Akashic Records—also known as “The Book of Life” in the Bible.

When she opens her Akashic Records Andrea is shocked by what she uncovers. Not only does she carry fears of being persecuted for her beliefs from a past life into this lifetime, she also inherited fears from her parents and ancestors that are hindering her paths progress.

Relying on her strength, courage and stamina to endure the pain, Andrea heals the past—it is not an overnight process. As Andrea releases her fears, her outer world shifts from drama to peace.

She no longer experiences bipolar symptoms and her fibromyalgia dissolves. She also stops binge eating as a coping mechanism and when Andrea meets Anthony, she realizes that her thoughts and emotions are finally aligned.

Andrea is in her first healthy relationship with a man and though she is happy and the relationship is what she always wanted—healthy, loving and fulfilling, she is still not where she wants to be in living the life she envisioned.

Following her heart Andrea leaves everything behind to travel on a spiritual pilgrimage to England. When she visits sacred sites where she had a successful past-life as a priestess, Andrea finds the missing piece of the puzzle she needed for her journey.

After six-weeks, she returns to Ottawa anticipating that her wellness coaching business will take off and when it doesn’t, Andrea once again finds herself full circle, feeling stuck!

She considers giving up, but she is compelled to persevere. With strength and determination, plus Anthony’s support, Andrea moves forward and begins to build a solid foundation.

Walk To The Beat Of Your Own Rhythm will inspire you with the story of the author’s journey and teach you how to lead an empowering life by taking a holistic approach to your well-being.

What will you gain from the book?

Have you used positive affirmations, meditated and expressed gratitude daily, in an attempt to achieve your goals?

It’s not that your efforts have been ineffective, you’ve made some progress but:

  • you’re not seeing tangible results,
  • you’re repeating patterns and you don’t know how to stop them!

Walk To The Beat Of Your Own Rhythm is the book for you if you’re ready to free yourself from constraints and manifest amazing relationships and a prosperous life.

You’ll learn simple, but effective techniques to assist you, in overcoming your fears and reclaiming your power, so that you can live the prosperous life you want.

You’ll shift from focusing on striving to achieve goals, which is outward and follows a linear route, to setting intentions, which is inward and follows a cyclical route.

You’ll become mindful of signs, messages, and omens along the way and learn to trust your SELF, trust in the Universe, and trust in divine timing.

As you flow with change you’ll challenge your fears. You’ll tell the truth by listening to what’s in your heart and not what’s in your head.

You’ll follow your intuition even when it doesn’t make logical sense and you’ll release guilt as you do more of what you love by making yourself a priority.

Walk To The Beat Of Your Own Rhythm will empower you to take action, one step at a time towards your dreams and create a life that is right for you instead of the life you believe you “should” live.

Why Publishizer?

Publishizer gives me the power to package my skills, experience and knowledge into a book and be able to reach my goal of spreading my message to a wider audience. I also have the opportunity to connect with a publisher who will help me stretch my reach even further.

Take the first step in faith

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

This quote by Martin Luther King Jr. has inspired me in the last 6 years when I first set out to create my own path. Initially I was consumed by fear, but as I released them, life unfolded beyond my imagination.

I do know that it is possible for you too and by supporting my campaign you are saying YES to your own possibilities. Including many other individuals like you, who innately know they deserve to live a prosperous life.

Thank you so much for your support and for being part of this journey with me. If there is anyone you know who would benefit from my book, please go ahead and share. I would also be grateful if you shared with your community on social media to help me spread my message even further.

Thank you.


Table of Contents

Authors Note


Part One: Awaken A New Inner Awareness

1.         The Encounter

2.         Initiation

3.         Gift From God

4.         The End Of A Chapter

5.         In Search Of The Holy Grail

6.         Integration

Part Two: Wisdom Comes With Experience

            The stories we tell ourselves

            To heal you must feel

            Being open to receive

            Following your heart requires radical trust

            Embracing the unknown

            Riding the winds of change

Part Three: Reclaim Your Power

            Say NO to drama and say YES to the life of your dreams

            What if your only job were to be love?



The target audience for Walk To The Beat Of Your Own Rhythm: How to get unstuck from repeated patterns and lead an empowering life are predominately women aged forty and older. They are awakening women who are on the path of self-discovery and transformation and even though they've experienced some success with their personal growth they still find themselves stuck in certain areas of their lives.

By reading my story in Part One: Awaken A New Inner Awareness, the reader will feel supported, enlightened and inspired then in Part Two: Wisdom Comes With Experience the reader will gain further insights. Lastly in Part Three: Reclaim Your Power the reader is provided with techniques to release fears so they can lead empowering lives.


To promote Walk To The Beat Of Your Own Rhythm: How to get unstuck from repeated patterns and lead an empowering life I will:

  • Use my current email subscription list, Facebook business and personal page and other social media (Twitter, Google+, Instagram and LinkedIn).
  • Feature the book on my website.
  • Blog regularly providing value and lessons learned.
  • Offer 2 or 3 free teleseminars on core teachings in the book.
  • Guest blog on various websites. For example, Wild Sisterhood and The Master Shift.
  • Attend writing groups to learn, get feedback and promote my book.
  • Contact the media. For example, The Citizen, Metro, Huffington Post.
  • Contact influencers to a list I’ve been maintaining.


Title: Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia

Author: Elizabeth Gilbert

Year of Publication: 2007

At the age of thirty-one, Elizabeth Gilbert realized that the husband, country home, successful career no longer fulfilled her. Within three years she left everything behind and embarked on a yearlong trip alone to Italy for pleasure, to India for spirituality and to Indonesian for “balancing.”

Title: Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

Author: Cheryl Strayed

Year of Publication: 2012

At twenty-two Cheryl Strayed lost her mother, her family and her marriage. Four years later, she impulsively decided to hike more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail, alone.

Title: The Mystical Backpacker: How to Discover Your Destiny in the Modern World

Author: Hannah Papp

Year of Publication: 2015

Hannah Papp quit her job because she was tired of living up to other people’s expectations. She embarked on a journey across Europe with no plan and no direction and stumbled into becoming a modern-day Mystical Backpacker.

The above books are also in the genre of memoir and cover the subjects of self-empowerment, spirituality, romance and travel. Though the books are inspirational, the author’s don’t empower the readers with concrete techniques to commit to their growth by making their self-care a priority on a daily basis.

Walk To The Beat Of Your Own Rhythm: How to get unstuck from repeated patterns and lead an empowering life emphasizes that it’s a journey in remembering who we are—powerful beings capable of creating a life that is right for us instead of the life we believe we “should” live.

The challenge that most people have is aligning their thoughts with their emotions. They believe that the car, the house, the money, the career etc. will make them feel worthy.

But it’s not true!

I shine light on how these fears have been inherited from our parents, our past lives and ancestors that hinder our path.  I also explain the reason we sabotage our own efforts and are unable to sustain success even though we might say we want a successful career, relationship etc.

The reader is not only inspired by my journey in overcoming my obstacles, they are empowered to take action, one step at a time allowing the mysteries to unfold. I include examples of my human error and zero in on how I walk myself up to empowerment.

I also provide summaries of what I learned through experience and provide simple, but effective techniques to assist the reader in overcoming their fears and reclaiming their power, so that they can live the prosperous life they want.

Andrea Lewis

About the author

Andrea Lewis is a Certified Wellness Coach, Akashic Records Ancestral Healing Practitioner, author of Dramaville is Not a Place; It’s a State of Mind, and a speaker.

Andrea went from self-destruction to self-love and transformed her victim story to one of inspiration.

A courageous journey of healing, health and self-empowerment, she is dedicated to empowering women to say no to drama and codependent relationships and reminding women of their worth.

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  • Andrea Lewis
    on May 8, 2017, 8:19 p.m.

    Thank you Anna for your support and well wishes. ❤️

  • Donna Kelley
    on May 10, 2017, 11:16 a.m.

    Congratulations Andrea, looking forward to reading your book!!

  • Dewi Lim
    on May 19, 2017, 9:14 p.m.

    Aloha Andrea! So awesome to see you moving and shaking on to the creation of your next book! Seeing this book in the hands of all those who can benefit from it! Love & Light, Dewi

  • Andrea Lewis
    on May 19, 2017, 9:37 p.m.

    Thank you Dewi! I really appreciate your support and encouragement. ❤️

  • Andrea Lewis
    on July 6, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

    Thank you Karenna! Thank you for your support. ❤️

  • Jessica Dell
    on July 22, 2017, 11:54 p.m.

    Congratulations! I'm very much looking forward to reading this book! :)

  • Andrea Lewis
    on July 23, 2017, 4:58 p.m.

    Thank you Jessica for your support! 🙏🏼❤️



Create A Better Future

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Commit To SELF

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Inspire A Friend

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* Credited in the list of acknowledgements inside the book
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Inspire Another Friend

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* Credited in the list of acknowledgements inside the book
* A copy of Dramaville is not a place; it’s a state of mind ebook (PDF)
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Step Into Empowerment

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* Credited in the list of acknowledgements inside the book
* 1 Empowerment Coaching session (Skype or a dial-in number with access code. The sessions are 1 hour and are recorded)
* A copy of Dramaville is not a place; it’s a state of mind ebook (PDF)
* An invite to the book launch party


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Make Yourself A Priority

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* Credited in the list of acknowledgements inside the book
* 3 Empowerment Coaching sessions (Skype or a dial-in number with access code. The sessions are 1 hour and are recorded)
* A copy of Dramaville is not a place; it’s a state of mind ebook (PDF)
* An invite to the book launch party


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Experience A Shift In Perspective

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* 19 Paperback Copies
* Ebook (Kindle, ePUB, PDF, MOBI and iBooks)
* Credited in the list of acknowledgements inside the book
* 3 Present and Past-Life Akashic Readings (Skype or a dial-in number with access code. The sessions are 1 hour and are recorded)
* A copy of Dramaville is not a place; it’s a state of mind ebook (PDF)
* An invite to the book launch party


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Heal Your Legacy

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* 1 Signed Paperback Copy
* 23 Paperback Copies
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* Credited in the list of acknowledgements inside the book
* 3 Ancestral Healing Akashic Readings (Skype or a dial-in number with access code. The sessions are 1 hour and are recorded)
* A copy of Dramaville is not a place; it’s a state of mind ebook (PDF)
* An invite to the book launch party


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