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Brandy Ange

Brandy Ange

North Carolina, United States

Brandy Ange is a creative artist with a degree in Bible, and Management of Non-profit Organizations, and a heart for at-risk teenagers.

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About the author

Brandy Ange started writing in second grade and was first published in high school with several poems and essays. In college, she dedicated herself to traveling as much of the world as possible and immersing herself in different cultures. Rising from the ashes of a traumatic childhood, she has spent her adult years mentoring at-risk teenagers and encouraging them to rise above adversity and conquer life head-on, with love and support. She has led small groups and spoken to teens at camps and churches along the East Coast. She is a writer of both fiction and non-fiction, as well as poetry and short stories. Transgression will be her first published novel, for young adults, and fantasy fans of all ages.

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Success! Transgression has already sold 88 pre-orders , was pitched to 19 publishers , and is in discussions with publishers .

$10 Basic Package

19 readers

a copy of the ebook.

Ebook included

$22 Paperback Package

13 readers

Copy of the ebook
Paperback Book

2 copies + ebook included

$3 shipping

387 of 400 left

$40 Specialized Paperback Package

5 readers

Copy of the ebook
Signed paperback book
Character bookmark
Kingdom Come Series tote bag

2 copies + ebook included

$5 shipping

245 of 250 left

$44 Hardcover Package

3 readers

Copy of the ebook
Hardcover book

2 copies + ebook included

$3 shipping

347 of 350 left

$50 Specialized Hardcover Package

5 readers

Copy of the ebook
Signed Hardcover book
Character bookmark
Kingdom Come Series tote bag

2 copies + ebook included

$5 shipping

245 of 250 left

$75 Premier Package

2 readers

Copy of the ebook
Signed Hardcover book
Complete Set of Character bookmarks
Kingdom Come Series tote bag
Invitation to the book launch party
Frostbeard Studios soy candle

2 copies + ebook included

$6 shipping

18 of 20 left

$100 Donor Package

0 readers

Copy of the ebook
Paperback book donated to a library
Personalized signed Hardcover book made out to you
Complete Set of Character bookmarks
Kingdom Come Series tote bag
Frostbeard Studios soy candle
Invitation to the launch party
Special shout out on twitter, facebook and instagram

3 copies + ebook included

$6 shipping

10 of 10 left

$100 Gift Package

3 readers

Copy of the ebook
Signed Paperback book for a friend
Personalized signed Hardcover book made out to you
Complete Set of Character bookmarks
Kingdom Come Series tote bag
Frostbeard Studios soy candle
Invitation to the launch party
Special shout out on twitter, facebook and instagram

3 copies + ebook included

$6 shipping

17 of 20 left

$200 Supporter Package

0 readers

Copy of the ebook
Paperback book donated to a library
Paperback book for a friend
Personalized signed Hardcover book made out to you
Complete Set of Character bookmarks
Kingdom Come Series tote bag
Frostbeard Studios soy candle
Invitation to the book launch party
Shout out on twitter, facebook, and instagram
Your name in the acknowledgement section of the book!

4 copies + ebook included

$6 shipping

10 of 10 left

$350 Cameo Package

1 reader

Copy of the ebook
Paperback book for a friend
Paperback donated to a library
Personalized signed Hardcover book made out to you
Complete Set of Character bookmarks
Kingdom Come Series tote bag
Frostbeard Studios soy candle
Invitation to the book launch party
Shout out on twitter, facebook, and instagram
Your name in the acknowledgement section of the book!

Have you ever had a favorite book, tv show, or even movie, that you wish you could have been in? The exciting thing about this package is that I will give you the chance to see that dream come true! Whoever buys this package will be written into the books as a character! I will need a picture, so I can get your description right, and you can make a cameo in the books!!! This package will be limited to only 10 people, as there are only so many characters that are going to be coming into play in the books. Disclaimer: these will not be main characters, only cameos… Still, how many people can say they were in The Kingdom Come Series?! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that wont be available again!

4 copies + ebook included

$6 shipping

9 of 10 left

$700 Book Clubbers Package

0 readers

10 Paperback books
10 Hardcover books
3 Complete sets of Character book marks
5 Kingdom Come Series tote bags
5 Frostbeard Studios soy candles
Shout out to your group on twitter, facebook, and instagram
Your group mentioned in the acknowledgement section of the book!

And your group’s choice of the following:
1) Coffee date with the author (on me!)
2) I’ll come to your book club meeting!
3) If you are actually buying in bulk for a retail store, I will come and do a book signing at your bookstore, or coffee shop!

20 copies + ebook included

$10 shipping

5 of 5 left

$1000 A Day with the Author

0 readers

Copy of the ebook
Paperback book for a friend
Paperback book donated to the library
Personalized signed Hardcover book made out to you
Complete Set of Character bookmarks
Kingdom Come Series tote bag
Frostbeard Studios soy candle
Invitation to the book launch party

I will spend the day after the book launch party with whoever purchases this package. I will drive you around the Outer Banks for some sight seeing, including all of my favorite places, as well as where I wrote a good chunk of the book! Coffee, lunch, and dinner are on me! I will also document our day together on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook! You can also bring a friend along for the adventure if you want!

4 copies + ebook included

Free shipping

1 of 1 left

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Update #1 - Transgression Update Feb. 25, 2017

Greetings everyone! 

Thank you so much for pre-ordering Transgression! I can't wait to share this world with you, and embark on the adventure! 

I have been having a bit of an adventure on my own, sorting through publishers, and getting feedback from each one who has reviewed it. I'm getting a lot of positive feedback, which is great! But there are a few little things that I wish I had done more with. So I will be doing a little tweaking as I try to decide which publisher to go with. I am narrowing down the options, but haven't signed anything yet! 

At this point, it's pretty safe to say that If the book does come out in May, it will be the end of May, not the beginning as I had hoped. But with the printing volume, it may even be June before the books are all printed, packed and shipped, then (taking a few days) finally in your hands. I am really sorry for the delay, but I want to make sure I deliver the best possible story, as well as quality bound book to you that I can. The rest of your goodies are in production, and I am expecting the candles, bookmarks, and tote bags all within the next couple of weeks! 

I will keep you all up to date as we move forward. I know many of you are anxious to read! And you can rest assured, I am just as anxious for you to get your books. I apologize for the set back, and hope to contact you with an exciting update including an ETA soon! 

Brandy Ange