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How to Record a Successful Crowdfunding Video

Here are some crowdfunding video tips.

Your crowdfunding campaign video will get you more book pre-orders. Readers and publishers love to see these because it's both personal and allows you to introduce yourself to them in a professional format. You do not need a team or a bunch of production equipment or any huge planning. Successful crowdfunding campaigns focus on video quality and sound quality, which only require your smartphone or laptop. 

Rules of good online videos: Good audio and lighting go a long way and just be yourself. 

Quick steps:

  1. Use your Synopsis to write a short script to outline talking points
  2. Record a video using your zoom webcam on widescreen
  3. Use easy video editing software like iMovie if you need it
  4. Upload to Youtube and then embed on your Publishizer page

Video outline:

It helps to briefly add some structure to your video content. Type up an intro, middle, and a call to action. Your initial goal is to share that the book is now up for pre-order and what it's about. The information in your Synopsis is helpful here. You don't need to mention your funding goal since this is all about pre-order copies. Here's something to work with: 


“Hi, I am (your name) and my new book is now up for preorder!” It would mean the world to me if you could pre-order a copy and support me in getting it out to the world.

Brief talking points:

  1. Why am I writing the book? What is the pain point of the target reader?
  2. What is the book’s solution to the pain point? What makes my book important right now? 
  3. What are the 1 or 2 bonuses you featured that readers will by pre-ordering and supporting me?

Call to action:

“The book is up for preorder now and my bonuses are only available for 30 days. Please preorder a copy and share this campaign with a friend!”

Script example:

For this example, I just took the outline from above, copy/pasted a portion from my Synopsis, and then made some small edits:

Hi, I am Lee Constantine and my new book, Sell More Copies, is now up for preorder! It would mean the world to me if you could pre-order a copy and support me in getting this book funded and published. 

The average self-published book sells about 250 copies in its entire lifetime. The average published book sells more than 3,000 copies. But getting the attention of the right publishers is far from easy. 

In Sell More Copies, you learn step-by-step how to run a pre-order campaign that sells hundreds of copies of your book, raises thousands of dollars in funds to publish, and helps build an author platform that get's publishers interested in working with you--all within six weeks. You also learn how to write a book proposal and position your book for a niche readership.

You will come to understand that you have to sell your idea — whether you’re writing a book, building a business, or doing anything that requires support and care from others. And a proven strategy that literally makes it easy for you.

The book is now up for pre-order on Publishizer for only 30 days. The more copies sold the more publishers will be interested in working with the idea. Everyone who pre-orders 10 or more copies gets a free coaching call from me and a bunch of my book sales email templates that have been tested and revised by hundreds of authors. 

I hope you get one before they are sold out! Please pre-order a copy of my book today and share this campaign with a friend! Thank you.

Watch these videos:

A successful crowdfunding video takes a common formula that will work for any category or book idea. Below are from a wide array of professionals and authors. They include a business owner, coach, and investor. As well as a novelist, Instagram influencer, world traveler, and retreat leader. 

  1. (leadership) Experience The Revolution by Derek Loudermilk. He used a solid background behind him and added some subtitles. 
  2. (entrepreneurship) Live Big by Ajit Nawalkha. He had some b-footage from speaking events and included inspirational background music. 
  3. (career) Quitting By Design by Lynn Marie Morski. She had a very clear and concise video that focused on solutions for readers.
  4. (fiction) That One Cigarette by Stu Krieger. He used his webcam to film a very personalized video for friends that talked about his manuscript. 
  5. (politics) Fundamentalist by Leena Olaimy. She really dove into why she's writing the book and recording a longer video.
  6. (wealth) The Wealth Coach by Brad Sugars. He only took a minute on his video in front of a green screen and talked about the main pain points.
  7. (spiritual) Roots of Consciousness by Melissa Stangl. She recorded a video for friends and talks about why she wrote it and mentions her bonuses.
  8. (cookbook) Arthritis Foodie by Emily Johnson. She recorded about 4 minutes of interview clips about things from her recipes, solution, and bonuses.
  9. (travel) The Sun Sets Anywhere by Clara Pang. She did a 2-minute book trailer with photos and music to share her travels.

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