Ridiculous Stories of a Life Lived at $8.00 an Hour
Working dead-end blue-collar jobs your whole life can take a dramatic physical and emotional toll - unless you learn to embrace the absurdity.
Yesterday, we went over 100 preorders, which I think is pretty darn good for nine days. Thank you to everyone who ordered. But here's the thing....
Writing the book was the easy part. It was fun. I love telling stories. But for me this whole marketing thing is essentially the moment when you were a kid and you had to force something down at dinner that you already knew you didn't like because your parents said, "Try it, you might like it." "I already know I don't like mayonnaise and cabbage, guys. What reasoning chasm makes you think I'll enjoy the combination?"
I spent three years writing this book. It's good. I know it's good. And yet it was rejected by almost 100 agents because as I was told multiple times, "That's a great concept and we love your voice, but it's not a story anyone's looking for right now." Which sucks. They're essentially saying, "Hey, you're a great writer and your work is awesome, it's just YOU that we think our readers won't give a shit about. Good luck."
So I had to pivot from my original plan with this preorder campaign to attempt to prove that there are actually readers out there interested in what I have to say. And it's maddening. Getting anyone to pay attention, even your best friends is like trying to get a toddler out the door. You start wondering if people actually care or if they're just placating you. It's a weird space mentally. "Dude, we've been friends for thirty years. You've asked me twelve times when this book is coming out. Could you just take thirty seconds and actually ya know...ORDER it? And maybe tell your brother?" Can I get some help? Anyone? Anyone?
"Jesus Christ, we were almost to the porch, where did your SHOES go?"
And then you realize that people have lives and just because this is the main thing on YOUR mind this month doesn't mean they even registered your begging because their kid had an ear infection or they've got a big deadline at work or maybe they just don't have eighteen bucks to spare and you end up having to eat the coleslaw and bug them 73 times.
Then someone who you sat next to in homeroom who you haven't spoken to since 1995 orders a copy and you're like, "Well that's cool." And you realize you have zero idea where any of this is actually headed so you might as well enjoy it.