How I Talked My Parents to Death: A Love Story
Death is an inevitability. Yet the vast majority of us seem to want to ignore this fact. However, death is inevitable, and trying to avoid talking about it is a mistake. Estimated Time of Departure will take you on a journey of one man having these discussions with his parents and how powerfully loving, revealing, and cathartic they were.
Thanks again for all of the support. We are making great progress on the interior designs and layout for the book and hope to have the e-book version available soon. The print version will take a little longer. I have already spoken on one podcast and have been scheduled on several more, with more waiting. The topic clearly has a lot of interest. We'll send you the links to these sessions as they become available. Finally, please go to the book website and read a wonderful guest blog from my friend, end-of-life caregiver, and death doula, Anna Marshall.