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Little Me. Big Business

Nadia Finer

Kick fear in the face and turn your tiny business into BIG BUCKS!

Little Me. Big Business will help you ditch the doubts, slap fear in the face, and discover the simple ways to make more money in your business and go big.

  Business & Money    Self help   50,000 words   25% complete   Published by Morgan James Publishing
329 preorders
$9,878.00 funded



Hi there!

My name is Nadia Finer and I have a confession to make: before I helped entrepreneurs all over the world learn how to work less, yet still make more money, my entrepreneur life was a mess.

I was racked with self-doubts (yes, more than one), my confidence was in shambles, and I was working so many crazy hours that my profit was rather embarrassing.

In short, I needed to get my life together.

The big thing that bothered me for so long was my little voice.

I’m not speaking figuratively here. My voice is little. I’m talking the kind of little that causes strangers who ring my phone to ask me if there is an adult at home that they can speak to.

While my little voice might be perfect for cartoon voiceover work (and swearing), it made me feel insecure. I felt like people wouldn’t take me seriously.

I was even afraid to do things like call people on the phone. Crazy, right?!

Even though I’d done some big things (like writing my book “More to Life Than Shoes” and creating a professional network for women based on the book), I wasn’t where I wanted to be and it made me feel vulnerable.

It didn’t help that people were constantly mirroring my self-doubts. I even had someone tell me that I was playing small.

For a while, I believed it all. I even tried to pretend like I was someone else. “Fake it ‘til you make it”, right?

Then, one day, I decided to hell with it all. I was going to embrace my little voice and make it work for me.

And I did! As I actively worked on setting aside my self-doubts, I found that my confidence started soaring. Not only that – my income TRIPLED.

It was amazing how that combination of a mindset shift and very specific actions made a HUGE difference in my business. When I learned to embrace my little voice and make that part of my brand, I started attracting a consistent flow of clients – which translated into a consistent income.

I was so amazed, in fact, that I decided I couldn’t keep it to myself. So, I started helping other entrepreneurs to make a similar transformation in their businesses. That is what I have been doing ever since. 

I work with clients on a one-on-one basis, helping them push past the pesky inner whisperings of self-doubt.  I also created a monthly membership program for female entrepreneurs called “The Profit Pack”, which has over 100 women in it. 

My clients have been learning how to EMBRACE (not run away from) their insecurities. They also learn how to leverage their time and expertise so that they can achieve big business success.

If this sounds like something you need help with, I would love to be part of your journey. Let me help you kick fear in the face and turn your tiny business into big bucks.

I am working on launching my next book, “Little Me, Big Business”. This book will help entrepreneurs leverage their time and expertise to create a business that generates big profit without taking up all of their time.  

In the book, I talk about getting your mindset sorted, figuring out your branding, implementing an effective business model that is based on income-producing activities, getting your pricing right, setting boundaries (for yourself and others), marketing in a way that is focused on providing value, and outsourcing/delegating tasks so that you can focus your time and energy on the things you do best.

I look forward to helping you make more money in your business!


I know what it’s like to run a tiny business. I know what it’s like to struggle with those little voices or doubt and fear. 

I know what it’s like to run a business that amounts to nothing more than an expensive hobby.

Over the years I've made all the mistakes! 

I've fluffed about with no goal, direction or plan. 
I've resisted getting any help, determined to manage on my own, even when I was completely lost. 
I've allowed my boundaries to be bendy at best - at sometimes I had none at all! 
I've compared myself endlessly to others and tried to be more like them. 
I've priced myself too low because I wanted people to like me. 
I've avoided doing the things that would actually make me money, instead keep busy with things that are easy and fun. 
I've avoided selling all together because I was scared. 
I've got stuck in a rut selling my time for money, making it impossible to scale up.
And... because I have a little voice and struggle with self doubt, I've hidden myself away, making it impossible to connect with my people. 

These things add together to create a perfect penniless storm!

Happily, I have learned from all these mistakes - so you don't have to waste as much time as I did!

Nowadays I know the exact steps to take in order to turn a tiny business into big profits. 

This isn’t just another yawn-tastic technical business book. It’s written specifically for the solo business owner, like you, in a friendly, warts and all, honest, accessible style. 

Together we’ll work on slapping down the self doubt and insecurities holding you back. No more playing small for you!

I'm here to change the way you think about your business and show you how to leverage your time and expertise so you can work less and make more money

No more working crazy hours for tiny profits. 

1. Little Me – My story of playing small and going big. How my little voice has held me back and also propelled me forward. When business goes bad - how not to run a business - based on my past experiences. How I turned things around - enabling me to work with clients all around the world, from home, in my pyjamas, and have plenty of time to do the school run, walk the dog and see my friends. 

2. Playing Small – Common ways in which solo business owners keep themselves small. Mindset monsters. No Direction. Overwhelm. Not knowing your numbers. Refusing to get help. Bendy Boundaries. Selling time for money. Staying local. Not listening to your people. Comparison-itis. Pathetic Pricing. Busy work. Scared of Sales. Hiding. Why it's is a problem. 

3. Going Big – Going solo doesn’t mean being small or making less money. Tiny does not equal tiny profits. It's all possible. Understand what success looks like to you - is it money, impact, influence etc. Examples of people who’ve gone really big - all whilst working alone, from home in their pyjamas. Just because you're on your own, doesn't mean your business is little. 

4. Sort your head out – Uncover the things that are holding you back and learn how to deal with them. Insecurities, fear and doubts. Take action despite the fear. One step at a time. Get out of your own way and get on with growing your business. 

5. Your Perfect People – Who are your ideal clients? Where do they live? Are they local or global? Do your people want what you’re offering, are they willing to pay, are they easy to find, do you like working with them? (Go talk to your people, find out what they really want) Validate the idea.

6. Business model magic - Discover different ways of leveraging your time and expertise. It's time to scale up. No more selling time for money. We'll look at ideas such as automation, online courses, memberships, subscriptions, packages that will enable you to make a lot more money. 

7. Know your numbers – No more burying your head in the sand, by the end of this chapter you’ll know where you stand, so you can make serious changes to bring in the cash. 

8. Focus like a laser - Stop keeping busy with things that don’t make money. Identify the key money making activities in your business, and prioritize them. 

9. Do You – overcome feelings of being a fraud by creating a unique story and authentic positioning for you and your business. Nobody can copy what makes you you – they can try, but it won’t work! How to write your story. How to uncover what makes you special. 

10. You're So Worth It – Stop undercharging, discounting, and giving it away. Get over your money demons and start charging your worth! Includes advice on different pricing methods. Also a quiz to test your money mojo. 

11. Get visible – If you hide behind your computer, it’s impossible for you to build trust and get to know your people. Discover how to get visible and build your business relationships – in a way that works for you. 

12. Sweat free selling – Selling needn’t be scary. It’s just listening and offering to help. Reframe your approach and learn some super simple techniques that will turn your business around. 

13. Get Help – The art of delegation and outsourcing. Build a virtual team. Make use of the gig economy. How to work out what to outsource. How to brief someone. 

14. Squad Power - The importance of a support network - the right kind of people – people who understand. #squadpower and how it can help you grow your business. Coaching, masterminds, mentors, friends etc. Where to find them. 

15. Action Plan – Create your own profit pumping plan for the next 30 days and ramp up your revenue.

**Each chapter will have a summary of the key points contained in that chapter, followed by a quick exercise at the end to encourage the reader to take action. Key quotes are spread throughout to get the reader thinking, as well as links to online material, hand lettered titles and sub titles, and pen illustrations.


More people than ever are taking the plunge all alone, into the world of business. 

The number of self-employed in the UK has risen by 182,000 from January to March 2016 compared to the same period last year, according to the Office for National Statistics. 

This means there are now 4.69 million self-employed people in the UK alone, accounting for 15% of the workforce.  Startup formation in the UK increased by 4.6% in 2015, with 608,100 new businesses started in 2015 in comparison to 581,173 created in 2014.

According to Companies House Data analyzed by the Centre for Entrepreneurs (CFE), 2015 had the highest number of new incorporations on record, signaling a potential cultural shift towards entrepreneurialism.

But, it’s not starting up that’s hard. It’s making the keeping going! 

According to statistics only half of all businesses survive the first five years. 

(Small Business Administration (SBA)
In the USA 96% of businesses fail within ten years of starting. And in the UK more than half of new businesses don’t survive beyond five years.

In the US, a study done by Inc. magazine and the National Business Incubator Association (NBIA) revealed that 80 percent of new businesses fail within the first five year and 80% of new businesses fail within their first year!

Not great odds.

Running a business is tough, particularly if you’re not making much money. In the UK, after 5 years of trading, average (median) drawings are £12,440 and profits are just under £10,000. Not much money, for all that effort!

Just imagine how much more fun life would be if you could make a decent living from your businesses. I’m thinking fancy holidays, nice cars, bigger houses, all that good stuff.

You started out with big plans, but gradually, as overwhelm and busy work set in, you lost sight of your vision. And now you're stuck and not sure how to get things moving again. 

You know that working harder is not the answer. You're already working hard. Even if you worked all day and all night you can't see how you'd make enough money! 

You love working on your own. You don’t want a big office, exit plans, big teams, or investors. You  want the perfect balance – home office, family time, me time, nice things.

But right now the money side of things sucks and you need to take action to get back on track.


• Handbook for solo business owners 
• To revisit time and time again 
• To keep on track towards their goals
• Not teaching how to get started. 
• How to grow, whilst retaining your independence and freedom


This is a book for solo business owners who are struggling to make money in their business. They’re exhausted and fed up; sick of working all the hours, for hardly any money. 
When they started their business, they dreamed of having more time for themselves and their families and of course the ultimate dream, financial freedom.

But things haven’t quite gone according to plan! Sure, they’re busy, but they’re not busy making money. It’s time to make some changes.

• Solo business owners
• Working from home – or from local cafes
• Want the perfect balance; freedom to work around their families, hobbies and interests. 
• Not interested in running a large business with all the responsibility that comes with staff, premises etc – but does want to make more money!
• Aim to match and then exceed their previous income – around $5k per month 
• May be web designers, graphic designers, copywriters, life coaches, fitness instructors, nutritionists, photographers, event planners, videographers, social media managers, consultants, virtual assistants, massage therapists, bloggers, food and beverage business owners.
• Have been running a business for at least 6 months 
• May be turning over as little as $500 a month! 
• Based in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada 
• Members of online groups for entrepreneurs e.g. Freedom Hackers, B School, The School of Greatness, Screw the 9-5, The Female Entrepreneur Association, etc.

They want to know how to build the business they’ve invested so much time, money and effort into. It’s time to ditch the expensive hobby and start making some proper money.

They don’t want to read another start up guide- they’re already going. They don’t want some uber complex guide to getting investment and exit plans. Photographers, web designers, copywriters, graphic designers, coaches, therapists, fitness instructors, nutritionists, online boutique owners, stylists, social media managers don’t need that stuff!

What they really want, is a practical guide, by someone who gets it. Simple strategies to help them make more moolah – whilst continuing to work flexibly. Ideas to help them scale up and go global– all whilst working from home, with a vat of coffee and the cat on their lap.

They’re looking for someone who’s been there, done it and got the slightly too snug t shirt. Someone who understands the realities. Someone who can laugh at the often hilarious truths of being your own boss. Someone who knows what it’s like to battle those little voices telling you to give up and go home (Don’t they know, you’re already at home. Idiots!)

There’s still a spark there. A sense that they can do this, if only they could beat this feeling over overwhelm and get a little help. And that’s why I’m here. To sort them out.



  • Podcast: 21,000 downloads since launch in Sept 2015
  • Email list: 3,500 
  • Twitter: 5,100
  • Instagram: 600
  • Facebook Page: 1,644 likes

  • The Profit Pack: 120 members 
  • One to one clients: 10 clients at any one time – Value $4,800 per client

Speaking Gigs

  • Speaking events - for example in NYC with Kimra Luna
  • UK based events e.g. Mums Unlimited, Micro Biz Development Day


  • Videos sharing tips and advice viewed on average 6,000 times each
  • Recent campaign reached 30,000 people 

Guest Blogging 

  • Guest posts to raise awareness, e.g. a guest post written for has been shared over 2000 times 
  • Guest blogger on the Huffington Post
  • Other target publications include, Forbes, She Owns It, Blog Her

Freebie Funnel

  • A range of freebies e.g. Big Biz Quiz and my 5 day Profit Pump Challenge. 
  • Promote the book as part of the funnel 
  • Drive traffic to freebie through partnerships and Facebook ads


  • Mail copies of the book to people featured in the case studies 
  • Encourage them to share on social media


Market for start up manuals is saturated. Lots of advice on the first few months. Turning an idea into reality.

  • The Idea In You by Martin Amor & Alex Pellew
  • Turn Your Talent Into a Business by Emma Jones
  • The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
  • Screw Work, Break Free by John Williams
  • Entrepreneur Revolution by Daniel Priestley
  • Could I Do That by Simon Hartley
  • Build A Brand in 30 Days with Simon Middleton

**Gap in the market for support after the start up phase, which is where complements the market.

  • Double Your Business by Lee Duncan
  • Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestley
  • Start With Why by Simon Sinek
  • The Curve by Nicholas Lovell
  • Platform: Get Noticed In a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt
  • Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Small Message, Big Impact by Terri L. Sjodin

**Gap in the market for a book which covers different aspects of business growth including pricing, packaging, productivity, positioning, sales etc etc!  Also, opportunity for a more feminine approach, with a relatable style.

  • Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
  • Playing Big by Tarah Mohr
  • #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso
  • Get Rich, Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas

  • Get Sh*t Done by Startup Vitamins
  • Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite by Paul Arden
  • Shine: How to Survive and Thrive at Work by Chris Barez-Brown

**Gap in the market for a book which gives deeper and more specific actionable steps to make more money from a successful business owner and published author. 

Nadia Finer

About the author

Hi there! My name is Nadia Finer and I have a confession to make: before I helped entrepreneurs all over the world learn how to work less, yet still make more money, my entrepreneur life was a mess. I was racked with self-doubts (yes, more than one), my confidence was in shambles, and I was working so many crazy hours that my profit was rather embarrassing.
In short, I needed to get my life together. The big thing that bothered me for so long was my little voice.
I’m not speaking figuratively here. My voice is little. I’m talking the kind of little that causes strangers who ring my phone to ask me if there is an adult at home that they can speak to.
For a while, I believed it all. I even tried to pretend like I was someone else. “Fake it ‘til you make it”, right? Then, one day, I decided to hell with it all. I was going to embrace my little voice and make it work for me.
And I did! As I actively worked on setting aside my self-doubts, I found that my confidence started soaring. Not only that – my income TRIPLED.
I started helping other entrepreneurs to make a similar transformation in their businesses. That is what I have been doing ever since. I work with clients on a one-on-one basis, helping them push past the pesky inner whisperings of self-doubt.  I also created a monthly membership program for female entrepreneurs called “The Profit Pack”, which has over 100 women in it. 
My clients have been learning how to EMBRACE (not run away from) their insecurities. They also learn how to leverage their time and expertise so that they can achieve big business success.
If this sounds like something you need help with, I would love to be part of your journey. Let me help you kick fear in the face and turn your tiny business into big bucks.
I am working on launching my next book, “Little Me, Big Business”. This book will help entrepreneurs leverage their time and expertise to create a business that generates big profit without taking up all of their time.  
In the book, I talk about getting your mindset sorted, figuring out your branding, implementing an effective business model that is based on income-producing activities, getting your pricing right, setting boundaries (for yourself and others), marketing in a way that is focused on providing value, and outsourcing/delegating tasks so that you can focus your time and energy on the things you do best.
Right now, anyone who preorders the book will receive their pick of some really juicy bonuses!
I look forward to helping you make more money in your business!

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“You’re playing small. It’s pathetic!”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Sneering scorn and derision from this, the person I had hired to help me grow my business.

The aggression in her voice was ugly. I could see her eyes bulging, veins throbbing, spit flying through the air, even over the phone.

“You’re holding us back,” she said.

My head was spinning. What was happening here? Where had this even come from?

This was the business I had started on my own. My business. My idea.

I was pacing up and down my kitchen in pyjamas, with sweaty palms and slippers, listening to a tirade of abuse, and feeling my business come crumbling down around me.   

“This is nothing more than a lifestyle business.”


It was like living through an episode of Dragon’s Den. She may as well have said. “I’m out,” clutching onto a wodge of cash, or maybe even stroking a white cat like a Bond villain.

A lifestyle business to her was the ultimate insult. To her it meant that you’re lacking in ambition, sat at home, working from the kitchen table, knitting yoghurt; a talentless, feckless loser, keeping yourself busy and destined never to make any money.

My mind was wandering again. Must pay attention. I gave myself a virtual shake and snapped back into the conversation to be bombarded by more vicious words flying like daggers down the phone.

My ear, pressed hard against the phone, was burning. I wondered whether it was about to spontaneously combust and blow my eyebrows clean off. (The phone, not my ear, obviously.)

And then the clincher.

“Nobody takes you seriously, you’re a joke.”

Bam. A sharp left hook to the cheekbone.

“Because you’re a mum and you only work part time.”

 Where was this heading exactly?

“…You don’t deserve to get paid the same as me.”

I felt a molten volcano of rage rise up within me. The worm was turning. Which meant I was the worm; not ideal, but for now it would have to do.

This wasn’t happening to me. Absolutely not. Not after all that hard work.

I cleared my throat, took a breath and a steely voice I didn’t recognize at all said, “It’s over. You can expect to hear from my lawyer.”

Admittedly, that comment heralded all kinds of mayhem, levels of stress previously unknown in the Finer household and a six-month legal wrangle worthy of its own box set, but it certainly felt good to say. For that split second I stood tall, slippers replaced with virtual heels, a sharp suit, pointy shoulder pads and bouffy hair. In your face, bitch!

I put down the phone, hand shaking, and started to cry.  This wasn’t the plan. In fact, it was so far removed from my plan, I may well have been lost in a forest without a sat nav, or a map and only a broken down car, a dead phone battery and a creepy hitchhiker with murderous intentions for company.

What was I going to do?

And what if all the mean things she said were true and I really was worthless?

I always knew I had it in me to run a successful business, but there was a pesky little voice in my head holding me back. Actually, that little voice wasn’t just in my head.

You see, all my life I’ve had a little voice. Really little. Like, 8 years old little.

In general, it doesn’t bother me. It has its advantages; I could run some kind of dodgy phone sex line if I was ever particularly strapped for cash; the guys at the local Thai take-away know it’s me when I ring up; I get what I want when I complain about something and, of course, I’m truly excellent at swearing; bloody brilliant, in fact.

But, professionally, it’s been a bit of a problem.

Over the years, I’ve been sent off to all kinds of elocution lessons to help me channel my inner Margaret Thatcher and get some gravelly gravitas. Talk about giving a girl a complex.

Imagine, being “encouraged” to spend hours laying on the floor like Colin Firth in the King’s Speech, breathing deeply into my stomach in an attempt to transform my tone.

Then there was the boss who actually announced to a client – “she might sound like a little girl, but she’s got a big brain.” I wasn’t sure how to feel about that one.

While my little voice might be perfect for cartoon voiceover work, it made me feel insecure; like people wouldn’t take me seriously.

Hardly surprising, given that roughly once a week, when someone calls our house, they hear my voice, get confused, take an uncomfortably long pause, and then ask to speak to my mum.

I am the mum!

Far from being the loudest, shoutiest or most confident person you’ll ever meet, particularly in comparison to a lot of business people, I’m a very little voice. I get shy. I don’t like showing off, bragging or even humble bragging. And given half the chance I’d hide at home behind my computer.

I think that because I felt small, being called on it, really pushed my buttons!

The trouble was, the particular variety of success being wafted in front of me, did not float my boat in the slightest.

And as a result, going big didn’t feel good, at all.  

I wasn’t interested in the big I am; with huge corporate clients, investors, teams of employees, fancy serviced offices, pitches and oodles of schmoozing. It was all a bit fur coat and no knickers for me.

The only person I was trying to impress, was me. I wasn’t trying to re-create my corporate life, or look all fancy. Running a business wasn’t about showing off or comparing the size of my clients as if we were in some kind of willy comparison contest.

And yet, as my grasp on the, I mean, MY business weakened, we took on employees, viewed posh offices, had regular high pressure meetings in London. My phone was superglued to my ear as I raced back and forth, pulse racing, sweat dripping down the back of my silk blouse.

Things were getting out of hand and I was falling out of love with the business I’d created.

There was one particular incident when, running late for school pick up, I’d sprinted across the station concourse in silly heels, lugging a preposterously heavy bag and had stumbled forward at speed, nearly spread-eagling my sorry self in front of hundreds of men in suits. It was not pretty.

I was distracted, stressed and unhappy. This wasn’t what I had in mind when I started the business at all. My business was meant to work around my life not destroy it from the inside like a silent assassin, brandishing a biscuit laced with arsenic.

But, just because I’m little doesn’t mean my ambitions are.

I’m an entrepreneur. And I also happen to be mum to one fur baby and one rather less furry, soccer mad, string bean. I’m a wife, daughter, sister, granddaughter and friend. There’s a lot of stuff going on in my life.

To make matters more complex, the length of my work day, can optimistically be described as brief. I’ve had longer lasting baths! In fact, on occasion I’ve taken a power nap, only to wake up and find it’s over. I literally blinked and missed it.

Despite all these limitations, I have big plans. I don’t want a hobby business and I’m not playing around.

Surely there had to be a smarter, less stressful way; a way to create a business that scales, in just a few hours a day …. from the comfort of my sofa?

I was determined to prove it could be done.

Alas, the answer didn’t manifest itself instantly, dammit. There was no intervention. No extreme makeover. No big reveal. Sorry!

The truth is, before I could be any use to anyone or anything I had scrape myself up off the floor and flomp onto the sofa, where I spent many months. I closed the business and with no idea where to go next. Never has one person watched so much daytime TV.

Finally, the ideas started to flow, but man, they were not good! I hopped from one random idea to another, clutching at flimsy opportunities that would sink without a trace. Turns out, brainstorming with a broken heart leads you down some very dark paths indeed.

My judgment had taken a battering. It took me a few months to realize, for example, that a business reviewing French films was not going to bring in the big bucks. No shit, Sherlock.

Eventually though, I was saved. Saved by the clients who came to me asking me to help them with their businesses. Their faith in me breathed life back into my confidence. And gradually I got a grip and went back to what I do best, helping people grow their businesses.

That’s when I set up my business coaching practice and things really started to get interesting.

Happy to be back working again, and even happier to finally be out the house, I stumbled forth, squinting at the sunlight, arms outstretched, like a creature just released into the wild… straight into the one-man band local business bog.


It was a beautiful day. I trotted off to meet one of my lovely clients in a local café. Obviously I had bought enough designer stationery to kit out an entire stationery fetishists’ convention. Happy days!

She was a local woman, with a teeny tiny business, and a budget to match. Because I felt sorry for her and she was a friend of a friend, so I’d given her a special rate. Plus, I wasn’t sure if she’d like working with me, so I wanted to be on the safe side.

Our coaching session was meant to be an hour long, but because I was having fun, (and I wanted her to like me) it ran on, and on. We made a big breakthrough. I took notes, which I promised to type up and send her that afternoon. #Girlboss.

It was late, so we decided to have some lunch. I paid.

After one final cappuccino, she waved me off cheerily. I felt fabulous because I knew I’d really made a difference to her life and her business. We’d promised to reconnect in a few months, if she needed.

I made a mental note to send her an invoice, for $100 for the session.

As I wandered home slowly through the town centre, my gaze wandered and so did my feet; into my favourite store, where, feeling successful and on top of the world I splashed some serious cash. In fact I splashed around $200.

Got home feeling like I was a total rockstar. Except, that I wasn’t really, was I? #notsuchagirlbossnow

I had notes to type up. It was already time to fetch Jacob from school. Where had the day gone?! I’d spent $200 and hadn’t even sent the invoice yet for the coaching session.

What a muppet.

It was all very well. I was having a great time, but I was playing at it. Actually I’m a little embarrassed to own up to some of this, but I think it’s important to show that it’s easily done. There’s a steep, slippery, slimy slope leading down into that bog.


Everything I’d been accused of was now coming true, and like a fool, I’d actually walked right into this mess.

When my bank statement came through that month, and it was filled with all the wrong kind of zeros, I decided it was time to make some big changes.

Cue the Rocky music. Cut to me running through the gritty urban streets in in grey marl sweats (actually, can we make that charcoal, much more flattering) and hauling my ass, I mean, striding purposefully up an epic flight of concrete steps. Hear me roar!

The time had come for me step up. 

I feel like this bit of the story should take place in a sweaty, stinky boxing gym filled with men in shorts rubbing Deep Heat on their impressive muscles. Actually, I know just the place, although it’s rather hard to concentrate in there!

My reinvention process was not entirely straightforward. There was a considerable about of mindset trash holding me back. But once I realized that the thing that scared me the most was actually my super power, I was free!

Here’s what I did:

Rather than wasting time comparing myself to everyone else, and trying to be all fancy and shiny like the other business coaches, I decided to just be myself.

I created a completely unique brand; the brand of me. Rather than shy away from my little voice, I decided to embrace it. It’s the thing that makes me different, after all. I started by launching a podcast, Little Voice Big Business and incorporated my little voice along with my insecurities into my brand.

I figured that if I struggled with these kinds of doubts and confidence issues, then the chances are I was not alone. Now, I attract clients who get me, who resonate with my message. And I get to be me, which is a hell of a lot easier than trying to be someone else.

Suddenly my brand had worldwide appeal, which made it easy to move away from the local trap. I could focus on my ideal clients, no matter where they lived in the world.

I went from selling one off services to packaging up my coaching into bundles. No more one off sessions. No more selling time for money.

I’ve created products too, which I can sell over and over again, no matter where I am or what I’m up to. I love the fact I can get preened and pummeled in the spa, and when I emerge all pampered and glowy, I’ll see that I’ve made money!

And you’ll be relieved to hear that I gradually got the confidence put my prices up. It wasn’t easy, and I resisted it like crazy, but now, I know I’m worth every penny.

All this – it’s the bones of a little big business. These are the changes you can make too, to scale your business. And I’m going to show you how to do it too.

As a business coach, I spend my days helping entrepreneurs like you to scale up and make more money in their businesses. It’s my passion, my work, my zone of genius or whatever you want to call it! And now I’m here to help you.

Nowadays, my life is pretty damn lovely. Thank goodness for that, or this book would make for a rather depressing read, wouldn’t it?

I work from home, on my own and I run a global business, often in pyjamas (or, rather, loungewear, which means it’s perfectly acceptable to go out dressed like this!)

Sometimes I sit at the kitchen table, sometimes I work in my tiny beautiful office and sometimes I go to a café - because I can and that’s where I do my best thinking. And sometimes, don’t tell anyone, but I sit on the sofa, under a blanket, with Bobby the dog keeping me warm and snuggly. Lush.

It’s global. I help clients all over the world; from Mauritius and America, to Sweden and New Zealand, to scale up their businesses. I have a podcast with listeners scattered all over the globe. I regularly give talks in the UK and the US.

It’s big. Rather than working with one client at a time, I’ve created an online business academy called the Profit Pack with allows me to help female entreprenuers worldwide to work less and make more money.

It’s flexible. My work days are short. I only work around 4 hours a day and yet I have time to do the school run, walk the dog, go to pilates and boxing, and meet friends for brunch on a school day! My business is more bendy than a double jointed ballerina.

It’s smart. Rather than giving away chunks of my business, I hire people as and when I need them. I have a virtual team who help me with everything from tech stuff, advertising, illustration, web design, and video editing so that I can get on with helping my clients.

It’s simple. Because I’m in charge and it’s just me, there are no complications, no investors, no pesky partners, expensive premises or employees. It’s just me and all the potential in the world. My business is a serene, lean, money making machine!

I choose to work alone. I’m not a solopreneur or a micro business; I’m a lone ranger. I like it this way. I’m flexible and free. And my business fits perfectly around my life. This isn’t pathetic. It’s not playing small. Or any of that crap. It’s about being smart and designing a business around your life. It’s not a lifestyle business to be mocked. It works around your life, because life and business are happier that way.

I may not be a multi millionaire, a celebrity or a business legend (yet) but what I have done is create a business that allows me to scale. It’s the ultimate little big business.

And you can have this too.  

It’s all possible. You too can scale up and make a decent living from your businesses. You deserve it! No more piddling around for pennies, people.

You too can have a huge impact, even if you work from home, on your own, in just a few hours a day. You can create a business that works around your life so that you can enjoy spending time with the people you love.

It’s totally possible to scale up a business from the kitchen table, from your home office, or from the local café, or from the downstairs loo. To work just a few hours a day. To be able to travel. To serve clients all over the world. To have a huge impact.

I know it might seem like a long way off right now when crazy hours and tiny profits are your reality.

But you know that working harder is not the answer. You're already working hard. Even if you worked all day and all night you can't see how you'd make enough money. And forget getting up at 5am, I mean there are limits, right? And that’s the problem. There are simply not enough hours in the day. It’s such a cliché, but you’ve done the maths, and there literally isn’t. And that’s why we’re here.

Yes, you’re dedicated to your business, but you’re also dedicated to your kids, family, friends, house, pets – all that stuff. And you might like to shower, eat and do some exercise once in a while. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for you to actually run your business. It’s all part of life’s rich tapestry. But the fact is there’s a minute patchwork square for your business in the quilt of your life.

So, if you’re selling your time for money, and there’s not much of it. That’s not much money is it? And if you’re going to be a lone ranger, selling time for money, then we’re more than slightly stuffed aren’t we?

Yes, it sounds cheesy, but there really is no limit on what you can achieve! It really is. And I’m going to show you how.

We need to make some big changes, both to your mindset to your business strategy. A double whammy.

But before we go any further, we need to get something straight.  

I’m good at what I do, but I’m not a wizard. I don’t ride a rainbow-coloured unicorn, although I would like to. Imagine that, a lone ranger on a unicorn… but, I digress.

I know certain people would like us to believe that it’s simple, this making money malarkey. That through some formula sprinkled with fairy dust, we can just click our heels and snap, the cash will rain down upon us. And yet, surprisingly, it’s not quite that straightforward.

You need to do the work. I can guide you and give you useful strategies and ideas to try, but you have to actually make changes and implement things. This is not some magic potion, unfortunately, because if it were, oh my gosh, I could make a fortune!

Instead, we’re going to look at the admittedly rather less glamorous stuff that you can do to make changes in your business. If you want glamour, maybe put on some shiny shoes while you’re working on things?

I’m here to help you, like I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs before you. Together we’re going to get your business sorted. And in return for you committing to putting in some hard work, I promise to avoid the yawntastic preachy stuff and the jargon. Who knows, we might even have some fun?!

There will be no more playing small and no more limitations on what you can achieve! Together we’re going to kick fear in the face and turn your tiny profits into big bucks.

Please log in to comment.

  • Jean Miller
    on Feb. 3, 2017, 11:24 p.m.

    Hi Nadia, Way to go!
    Looks like I might be the first purchase!
    Good luck, Jean

  • Deb Bannigan
    on Feb. 4, 2017, 9:06 a.m.

    Wow - really looking forward to this! Good luck x

  • Carly Dawson
    on Feb. 4, 2017, 12:15 p.m.

    Can't wait for this book! I've watched your online business grow from the start and your journey has been nothing short of amazing!!

  • Helena Holrick
    on Feb. 8, 2017, 9:34 a.m.

    Well done Nadia, I'm delighted to support you and thank you for showing the way too! x (and bless your dad!)

  • steph savill
    on Feb. 8, 2017, 10:36 a.m.

    Good to meet you. Little voice but big brain. Thanks for the ideas already from the video.

  • Laura Cocker
    on Feb. 8, 2017, 3:50 p.m.

    Good luck - I know your book is going to help sooooo many businesses.

  • Kevin W. McCarthy
    on Feb. 8, 2017, 4:48 p.m.

    Congratulations Nadia for taking this BIG step! Loved the sincerity of your video.

  • Pauline McCarthy
    on Feb. 9, 2017, 11:39 a.m.

    Shaa recommended your book :) Looking forward to reading it. Greetings from Iceland and good luck with the book.

    LoVe Pauline

  • Susan Nelson
    on Feb. 9, 2017, 3:39 p.m.

    I have no doubt that your book will be a massive success!

  • Shannah Game
    on Feb. 9, 2017, 6:29 p.m.

    So excited for you, Nadia! Can't wait to read it. Shannah

  • Jane Pike
    on Feb. 15, 2017, 9:08 a.m.

    Can't wait to read this. You are the business schizzle xx

  • Louise Clark
    on Feb. 17, 2017, 7:30 p.m.

    Congratulations Nadia, I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to read your book. I know it's going to be amazing! xx

  • Melanie Dowie
    on Feb. 21, 2017, 8:23 p.m.

    Look forward to receiving your book! They are going to be a great item to give to my clients too! Good luck!

  • Tosha Schore
    on Feb. 21, 2017, 10:15 p.m.

    I'm excited for your book! You've got a great little voice! ;)

  • Nancie Vito
    on Feb. 27, 2017, 7:33 p.m.

    Congrats, Nadia! This is super exciting! xx

  • Susan Nelson
    on Feb. 27, 2017, 7:53 p.m.

    Can't wait for the rest of the world to learn from the best!

  • Kathy Webster
    on Feb. 28, 2017, 8:47 a.m.

    One more step closer to your 250 goal!! You'll totally do it Nadia xx

  • Lorna Bates
    on Feb. 28, 2017, 4:31 p.m.

    All done...another book closer to your target!

  • Kenz Soliman
    on March 1, 2017, 11:39 a.m.

    Best of luck Nadia ^_^ can't wait to see the book go live ^_^

  • Ren Behan
    on March 1, 2017, 6:09 p.m.

    Hooray well done Nadia looking forward to the book! Ren x

  • Joanna Free
    on March 2, 2017, 5:58 p.m.

    Hello! Excited for and with you, Nadia! xo Joanna

  • Mary McQuaid
    on March 2, 2017, 5:59 p.m.

    So excited for you. Look forward to receiving my copy and being part of your program. You've got this xo

  • Galitta Tassa
    on March 2, 2017, 6:21 p.m.

    Thank you and looking forward to enjoy your community.

  • Christina Lerchen
    on March 2, 2017, 9:03 p.m.

    Very excited to finally work with you! I have heard amazing things :)

  • Corinne WILHELM
    on March 3, 2017, 9:45 a.m.

    Please get in touch, I'm feeling a little stuck and very broke, thanks from one of your profit packers

  • Maggie Giele
    on March 5, 2017, 3:41 p.m.

    I'm so excited to get your book, and so proud of you for making it happen!

  • Shelli Baltman
    on March 5, 2017, 8:33 p.m.

    Nadia - this sounds super cool! Can't wait to read it! Shelli x

  • Gina Visram
    on March 5, 2017, 10:05 p.m.

    So excited for you Nadia! Well done on this launch and on continuing to help hundreds (plus) of entrepreneurial women. Looking forward to working with you in person at the business mastermind. Ready to do something different that's really positive for my biz. Congrats again.

  • Evi Kathrepti
    on March 6, 2017, 8:12 a.m.

    Best wishes Nadia. I am looking forward to connecting and working with you. Evi xx

  • Brazier Gregory
    on March 25, 2017, 12:15 p.m.

    Hello, I'm Gregory Brazier; Private investor. I opted for the financing of projects to financially support all serious people with projects. Contact me if you need. Here is my

  • Helen Rebello
    on March 29, 2017, 3:17 p.m.

    This is going to be fab Nadia - your voice really shines through your writing. Good luck!


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Profit Party Package

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Everything you need to make more money in your business

• 1 free month on my favourite course creation / membership site software Thinkific's Business Plan - worth $99 This is a great way to scale your business and it’s super easy to use too! (please note this is for new Thinkific customers)

• Limited Edition 'Signed' Paperback copy of Little Me. Big Business
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Online Cake Fuelled Mastermind

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Join me for an online group business mastermind session and get the laser coaching you need to grow your business

25th April 2017 time tbc

One hour group coaching video call with me Nadia - we'll be working on clever ways to get you to to those elusive $5k months.

There will be plenty of time for each person to talk about their business, ask questions and get one to one help from me.

Numbers are strictly limited - to ensure everyone gets a go.

Bring your own cake!

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Course Creator

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The perfect way to scale up your business

• FREE 3 months on my favourite course creation / membership site software Thinkific's Business Plan - worth $297 This is a great way to scale your business and it’s super easy to use too! (please note this is for new Thinkific customers)

• Free Ebook version of Nadia's Pure Profit Planner (worth $9.99)

• 5 x Limited Edition 'Signed' Paperback copies of Little Me. Big Business (for you and your friends / clients)
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Cake Fuelled Mastermind

4 readers

Join me for a business mastermind session in a fabulous London destination with delicious afternoon tea

Exact location tbc
To include gorgeous afternoon tea
19th May 2017

• Free live 10 Day Little Big Business Bootcamp with me Nadia - designed to take you step by step to your first $5k month. (Worth $497) Starting 20th March

• 1 free month on my favourite course creation / membership site software Thinkific's Business Plan - worth $99 This is a great way to scale your business and it’s super easy to use too! (please note this is for new Thinkific customers)

• 4 x Limited Edition 'Signed' Paperback copies of Little Me. Big Business (for you and your friends / clients / network)
• Free Ebook version of Little Me. Big Business. (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Recognized as an Official Sponsor in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI).
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Business Review

3 readers

Personalised Business Review and Recommendations

• Business Diagnostic. Nadia to review your website or business plan and make detailed personalised recommendations. These will be presented to you via email. (worth $250)

• 3 free months on my favourite course creation / membership site software Thinkific's Business Plan - worth $297 This is a great way to scale your business and it’s super easy to use too! (please note this is for new Thinkific customers)

• 10 x Limited Edition 'Signed' Paperback copies of Little Me. Big Business (for you and your friends / clients / network)
• Free Ebook version of Little Me. Big Business. (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Recognized as an Official Sponsor in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI).
• Early Adopter Shout-out on Twitter (@nadiafiner)
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$350 Sold out

Profit Plus Package

3 readers

A whole year's support to grow your business

• One year membership of the Profit Pack, Nadia's business support club (worth $360) (Starting 1st March)

• Free live 10 Day Little Big Business Bootcamp with me Nadia - designed to take you step by step to your first $5k month. (Worth $497) Starting 20th March

• 3 free months on my favourite course creation / membership site software Thinkific's Business Plan - worth $297 This is a great way to scale your business and it’s super easy to use too! (please note this is for new Thinkific customers)

• Free Ebook version of Nadia's Pure Profit Planner (worth $9.99)

• 10 x Limited Edition 'Signed' Paperback copies of Little Me. Big Business (for you and your friends / clients)
• Free Ebook version of Little Me. Big Business. (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Recognized as an Official Sponsor in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI).
• Early Adopter Shout-out on Twitter (@nadiafiner)
• Recognized as an Early Adopter on


10 copies + ebook + Pure Profit Planner ebook + annual membership of the Profit Pack + Little Big Business Bootcamp + Thinkific for 3 months


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Profit Power Package

4 readers

VIP support to help you grow your business

• 2 x 1-hour personal coaching session with Nadia Finer (worth $800)

• 3 free months on my favourite course creation / membership site software Thinkific's Business Plan - worth $297 This is a great way to scale your business and it’s super easy to use too! (please note this is for new Thinkific customers)
• Plus an epic 1 hour course creation coaching call with the guys at Thinkific! ($300)

• Free Ebook version of Nadia's Pure Profit Planner (worth $9.99)

• 30 x Limited Edition 'Signed' Paperback copies of Little Me. Big Business (for you and your friends / clients / network)
• Free Ebook version of Little Me. Big Business. (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
• Recognized as an Official Sponsor in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI).
• Early Adopter Shout-out on Twitter (@nadiafiner)
• Recognized as an Early Adopter on


30 copies + ebook + Pure Profit Planner ebook + 2 x 1 hour coaching sessions + Little Big Business Bootcamp + Thinkific for 3 months + Thinkific coaching call


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  • 30 physical copies
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