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My Pet Bug

Abriella Milazzo

The Key to Unlock Reading

What if a bug was seen as more than just a creepy, crawly thing; it was in fact a dear friend and teacher of things such as How to Read.

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Update #10 - Woah! Life is Fun. June 29, 2024

Hello summer and bug friends,

Happy July and 2 months of My Pet Bug being alive!

This last week seemed to fly by. 
Wait, let me rephrase. 
These past 2 months have flown by. 

Um, wait actually, this year is flying by! 

I am not the only one right?
How are you enjoying the ride?! 
Here’s the perks to living life in the summer time.
It is about our ways of experience. 
How do you use your senses to experience and move through life? How do you best learn what it means to be alive?

It is best to taste it and touch it, when you are eating the watermelon, sitting on a picnic bench or in the grass underneath the summer sun. You can’t really understand all that it is just by staring at it sitting on a shelf. Cut it open and eat a piece at a time, that is how you savor the goodness of all that it has to offer. Now you probably have juice all over your face and more than likely dripping down your fingers. 

I hope when you hold My Pet Bug, it reminds you of ways learning can be oh so much fun! To hold a book in your hands and to build a bug. What comes alive through your senses. From exploring in the classroom, to outside & back to your bed to rest your head at night, you can see, hear, touch and learn through your senses how to bring letters to life…the building blocks for language arts.  

June was one very busy but fun month and I am thankful for this space to share the adventures of My Pet Bug with you. 

I hope you have received your copy and enjoyed its contents :D  

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