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My Pet Bug

Abriella Milazzo

The Key to Unlock Reading

What if a bug was seen as more than just a creepy, crawly thing; it was in fact a dear friend and teacher of things such as How to Read.

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Update #12 - You didn’t think… Aug. 7, 2024

I forgot about you, did you?!

Hello bug friends, how is this summer treating you? 

I definitely know I have been hanging out with more bugs this time of year. 

The praying mantis in my garden, watching the honey bees buzz around the purple English Thyme flowers, lavender buds and bright sunflowers. And of course, those (pesky) skeeters if you know what I am saying, “Buzz off man, I am trying to enjoy the moment here!” 

Even the ants, that quietly yet quickly march from leaf to leaf then down to the ground on a mission to complete.

I have been moving and grooving as the days go by sharing My Pet Bug  with anyone…well..who will listen to all the FUN IT HAS IN STORE. It has been the highlight of my summer so far. For sure! 

In fact, just yesterday I was at my local YMCA sharing My Pet Bug’s story with about 60 little nuggets (that is what I call the children sometimes ;D) and watching them bloom into their own creativity with our fun art activity to go along to make learning extra fun…and sensorial, just like Maria Montessori intended learning to be. 

>>> If you have a moment, please share your thoughts about My Pet Bug on Amazon, Walmart and/or Barnes and Noble so we can all work together, like the bees, in spreading more honey and love with future generations (see what I did there!) Yay! 

Stay buggy and beautiful,