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My Pet Bug

Abriella Milazzo

The Key to Unlock Reading

What if a bug was seen as more than just a creepy, crawly thing; it was in fact a dear friend and teacher of things such as How to Read.

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Update #14 - Falling Behind…or ahead..whichever (contains Magic Inside!) Oct. 2, 2024

Whatever way you look at it. 

My oh my, does time fly. 
Or does it? 
I think so, or so it feels that way to me. 

What a great time in life, 
as we get to reap the rewards of the seeds we each
planted this past spring. Or forever more. 

What is blooming for you?

Once an idea of a bug,

Soon became My Pet Bug.
My favorite bug to talk about and 
a book to make you smile and say that was FUN.

And learning is fun too, when we allow ourselves to explore a little more along the way, off to journey to somewhere else. For at least a little while. 

9 years ago today I had a vision by a bridge, that day, moment, experience, changed everything in life for me. 

It led me to here. 

Fun with My Pet Bug
Available on Amazon and more…

8 years ago on this same day, I had all my belongings into my car (minus my cats, they were already at their destination) and was traveling across country, with no plan, just a knowing and a faith in something greater than me knew things too and would help me along the way.

My job was to allow my heart to guide me. 
What felt good to me? Prioritize doing more of that. 
Now it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows along the way. 

No, most definitely not all along the way, but you see, that is just how it goes. It is a land of duality.  

4 years ago, I woke up from a living nightmare and was forcefully redirected into a whole new beginning back to a place I once knew to begin again. Overall, it would be okay. It was a difficult time but I was to keep reminding myself of what I was made of. Makers mold mud. 

3 years ago, my life now inspired by Maria Montessori, most of my time spent between 4 walls of a montessori pre-k classroom, I lived, breathed and became a Montessori teacher. I loved it, but something felt missing inside of me. (During this time, one of my assignments for certification was to create a story using only a word bank of 30 Pink Words…)

2 years ago, I almost lost faith. Maybe this was a silly idea after all? What was I thinking that day by that bridge? But the signs that I had been asking for reappeared and began speaking loud and clear, I just couldn’t seem to ignore them anymore. They were practically screaming! I was open to the idea of hearing what they were trying to say. To keep moving forward. There is a reason. Follow the way.

1 year ago this idea I once had to bring this story to life took on a whole new idea, maybe I could illustrate too?

And so there it began…and became something new. 

In February I got connected with my publisher Bright Communications. 

This year in March just days after meeting my father for the very first time, I was there again, sitting on that bridge, with the first drafts of My Pet Bug tucked away inside my backpack, just months before it would come alive into the physical world. Once again staring into the setting sun, this time sitting next to someone so special and enjoying the serene silence of that moment and all I had experienced since that first day, now almost 9 years later. 

Then, this Spring happened and then summer flew. You were there too! Somewhere along the way. 

Green Lane Local Market

I gotta be honest, I had so much fun sharing this kinda journey with you!!

Today, I feel so happy & blessed to say happy October 2nd, 2024.

What was once an idea accompanied by a strong faith, has now bloomed. It has been many, many seasons since then. Now finishing up its first season here on Earth side. Thank you so much for being a part of it. I hope it has found its way into your home and has brought nothing but joy.  And may it be a reminder, that all dreams are possible when you believe, don’t give up, allow your heart to lead the way. 

You are amongst some of the first ones to experience the fun of My Pet Bug (you also got a dose of what happens behind the scenes by signing up for these updates) :D !

I invite you to celebrate with me by LEAVING A REVIEW ON AMAZON & sharing your photos and stories with My Pet Bug on FB, they truly are a special treat for all to see! 

Pennsburg Community Day 2024
Above photo: A face I  already knew, had a chance to say hello again and take home My Pet Bug!

Thanks for being here. 

Until we meet again,