The Key to Unlock Reading
What if a bug was seen as more than just a creepy, crawly thing; it was in fact a dear friend and teacher of things such as How to Read.
days left
Wow. It’s been 6 months of My Pet Bug and the fun just keeps coming.
The season of spring and summer were a time for exploration and dipping my toes into the pool of what being an author & illustrator of a children’s book is all about. The season of fall means, back to school. So I have been connecting with different book stores and schools to celebrate and share reading in the traditional setting.
I am here to tell you…it’s hard work behind the scenes, as a maker of many things, I feel like the list never ends. But the process of learning how to get better at finding the balance intrigues me to say the least.
I participated in story times, attended local events as a vendor, shared with guests at the local diner I work at while they waited for their food to arrive. Those that attend my local yoga classes heard the word and wanted to be part of the fun by sharing it too with their loved little ones. I met so many new people in unexpected ways and had the pleasure of sharing this all in one learning tool with many, tiny hands along the way.
In fact, it was during these times, where I met some of you. Thanks for being a part of the journey and spreading the word about the new bug in town. I hope your little one is having a blast learning, growing and falling in love with literacy.
I love hearing from you all how My Pet Bug has made its way into your daily life! So keep the stories coming.
The weeks seem to fly by with all the things that happen in between so here’s a little snap shot of something new.
This past week I had the great opportunity to team up with my publisher Jennifer, from Bright Communications Publishing to talk about some of the reflections during the publishing process from an author/artist point of view.
I also got to share my top travel & publishing tip for those of you that
1) are interested in publishing a book of your own and 2) love to travel like me!
You can check it out below :)
Keep being awesome! That’s what we are meant to do.