The Key to Unlock Reading
What if a bug was seen as more than just a creepy, crawly thing; it was in fact a dear friend and teacher of things such as How to Read.
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Hello Friends,
It is official! A book has been birthed and I’ve held the first copy in my hands. But…it’s not done yet and ready enough for its way to make it to you. Remember, patience grasshopper. Or patience like a bug?
I may have gotten the first book, but that was just another step to the process along the journey to publishing a book. For the world to enjoy too.
Receiving the first book means seeing it on paper in bind for the very first time. How are things aligned? Is it beautiful at first sight? Does it make you wanna look inside? It has taken me a long time to get here, I have practiced patience along the way, so why rush now through these few crucial steps? There are a few changes that need to be made.
This book has unfolded in ways I could have never imagined of 8 years ago when I had the first inkling come to mind. Then I ponder and think “wow”, it would have not become what it is now if it wasn’t for each experience through the passing of time.
Talk about a similar process to the caterpillar metamorphosing in a cocoon into a beautiful butterfly. An eight year long metamorphosis will soon be revealed.
Let’s put it this way…..My Pet Bug has a few more printing tweaks to make and then….a big order will be on its way, to me. Then from me to you! I’m really excited! I hope you are too!
Your bug friend,