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My Pet Bug

Abriella Milazzo

The Key to Unlock Reading

What if a bug was seen as more than just a creepy, crawly thing; it was in fact a dear friend and teacher of things such as How to Read.

  Education   60 words   100% complete   0 publishers interested

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Update #4 - A Nudge from A Bug…Friend May 16, 2024

I’ve have been learning so much over these past couple of weeks as My Pet Bug goes from an idea that has been on my mind lingering for the past couple of years to a completed vision gently placed in between my hands. I wish I could go into all the steps it has taken to get to this point. Even before I knew it yet, this story was just waiting to be told. 

But I don’t want to bore you…there were A LOT of steps in between and this isn’t a snooze fest, it’s a celebration! 

While I am so excited to scream it from the rooftops, I have had to practice patience when it comes to editing, because yes, I’m like Goldilocks…I like it JUST RIGHT. Here on publishizer, you are one of the lucky ones that will too be getting your copy, that feels just right. Directly from my hands to yours. 

When receiving the first copy you finally get to see how the program in which the layout was made translated to the page. 
Now it is REALLY REAL. So real that you can touch, see it, smell & (maybe) if you’re into that kinda thing taste it too ;) just kidding, don’t to that, you’ll ruin the pages! 

With that being said…together we are all practicing patience as we wait for the final product! The one where everything is where it is meant to be. Thanks for your support, patience and belief that something truly beautiful, fun and educational…is just waiting on the other side. 

Until I bug you again,