The Key to Unlock Reading
What if a bug was seen as more than just a creepy, crawly thing; it was in fact a dear friend and teacher of things such as How to Read.
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Dear Bug Friend,
It’s that time of year! You betcha! The season where you get to savor in the seeds you once planted. Before your eyes, you watch them grow.
Does it all happen at once? Of course not, it’s a series of lots of small things. One thing after another begins to unfold, simultaneously, on its own journey to becoming. It’s like magic. It starts from a little seed packed with magic inside, add water (love & attention) & watch it grow.
Whether you subscribed while My Pet Bug was still in its final editing stages 2 months ago or more recently after I held the first actual book in my hands. Thank you and I hope you feel filled with joy too. Together we enjoyed the journey of birthing something new into the world.
It’s a funny feeling, because it was like holding something I already knew. It didn’t feel new, it felt familiar. But it wasn’t.
Those past seeds (years and years of aimlessly *maybe dropping seeds into the ground), they were in fact rooting all along. One day hoping to produce something new and meaningful. Perhaps, 31 years of past seeds suddenly at once seemed to come to full B L O O M !
That was the first time all of the pieces aligned and all of the pieces of my past suddenly felt understood and the proof lay in between my fingertips. I seeing and touching something that I always knew, in my heart to be true.
Soon, you will have yours in your hand too. I can’t wait. If all flows well the shipment of bulk books should be arriving at my doorstep this week.
You knows what that means…
Stay buggy,
P.s. I was just about to hit send and then there was a knock at the door. Did you hear me scream from where you are!!!