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Oh, The Pics That You'll Post!

Maiana Rose

Oh The Pics That You’ll Post, This picture book for teens, tweens, and twenty-somethings, puts a millennial spin on the Dr. Seuss classic, Oh The Places You’ll Go! - paying paying homage to the classic book while satirizing the extent to which one must go today in order to achieve the #goal of becoming an influencer.

  Illustrated Books   Released on Dec. 11, 2022   ENG

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Publisher: Aitia Press

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"Oh, the Pics That You'll Post!" puts a millennial spin on the Dr. Seuss classic "Oh, the Places You’ll Go!", paying homage to the classic while satirizing the extent to which one must go today in order to achieve the #goal of becoming an influencer.

"Oh, the Pics That You’ll Post!" will strike a chord for anyone who has dabbled in social media, from those just starting, to the gram-vets and even for those who have made it to insta-stardom and are out their living their #bestlife. It offers a nice break from the daily scroll and is both comic relief and a light cautionary tale about what might happen if one’s life is centered around Instagram. And believe Maiana Rose, there are things that can go wrong, such as maxing out credit cards, plummeting self-esteem, and missing out on Amore in Rome. Oh, the Pics That You’ll Post! is a metaphorical journey of becoming an influencer with a message that younger generations are sorely in need of: put the phone down and live life.

Editorial review

Part satire, part cautionary-tale, Oh, the Pics That You’ll Post! is the smart, funny picture book I would love to be able to buy my pre-tween and all her friends―before they get their first phones.
― Nicola Kraus, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Nanny Diaries

The book has a wonderful, cosmopolitan vibe, would do well in LA, NYC, or Paris!
―Wendi Schuller, Author of Global Guide to Divorce

It’s hilarious and too damn true!
― Emmanuelle Chirici, Actress and Influencer

Maiana captures, a certain and very common Los Angeles prototype with humor and honesty. A quick, delightful, and entertaining must-read for anyone who is trying to “make it” in LA--or anyone who uses Instagram--or anyone who needs a dose of fun. I think that anyone can, much to their dismay, identify with the characters in Oh, the Pics That You’ll Post!
― Alexandra Malmed, writer for Vogue, Manrepeller, etc.

Maiana Rose

About the author

East Coast Born, Maiana grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she attended highschool at Santa Fe Preparatory school. She went on to attend Pitzer College, of the Claremont colleges, graduating in 2014 with a BA in interdisciplinary media studies, fine arts, and anthropology. After which, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in entertainment and art. Maiana found an avenue to meld her love of comedy and art when she decided to start an illustrated Instagram account from which she lovingly mocks social media trends. Also, she attempts to bring to light some issues society faces surrounding social media, mostly, the amount of importance people place on it. Maiana sees "Oh, The Pics That You’ll Post!" as a way to poke light fun at ourselves, while also sending a message to the up and coming generations that Instagram and other social media platforms are “life.” Out of her illustrated series, she began a line of postcards which she sold to local retailers around Los Angeles, then moved on, to begin her career as an author, putting out her first book “Oh, The Pics That You’ll Post!” which she will also be selling as a digital collectible through publica, along with a series of NFTs. She hopes to continue authoring books and making art with an edge of social commentary and humor.

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