Book of Quotes
The Good Note is a book of quotes to inspire and motivate people to believe humanity can grow from words: connecting words, pictures and moments to further encourage self awareness and reflection.
Hello Team Good Note,
It has been a successful month thus far. Remember we signed with Isabella Media Inc., September 1st, 2020. The final manuscript was submitted October 1st, 2020 and we are posted on their website to receive more pre-orders as the book comes together from editing to final look then print. This is not the same as what you pre-ordered on It's just the book no autographs or specials attached. We are still looking at a Spring 2021 release unless things change to make it happen sooner.
The book cover has been completed and submitted to Isabella Media by Brewster Branding LLC and the project went from 1 photographer to 4. I will highlight them in the months upcoming via the Wednesday Good Note and the new Friday Good Note Reflections segment coming the 2nd Friday of the month starting November 2020. More details to follow on that.
I celebrated my 41st birthday back in my home state of North Carolina on October 9th and enjoyed a wonderful moment with the family. Here is a picture of my ice cream cake:
If you didn't know YES i'm a Carolina Panthers fan first and a New England Patriots fan second. Just in case there was any confusion.
Thank you all again for your continued support and patience with the process. It's not easy being Early Adapters/Supporters of creative works. Think about the 1st iPhone purchasers or the 1st car purchasers of the Model T Ford. It took more than money, it took risk. I promise the reward has already been given to me...your willingness to believe. I will deliver on that belief in this book and more works to come. Until my next update--be well and love the moments you spend with family, friends and those you care about.
Peace and Blessings,
Garry Ratliff Jr.