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American Grunt

Kevin Cramer

Ridiculous Stories of a Life Lived at $8.00 an Hour

Working dead-end blue-collar jobs your whole life can take a dramatic physical and emotional toll - unless you learn to embrace the absurdity.

  Biography & Memoir   110,000 words   100% complete   Published by Ballast Books
318 preorders
$6,944.00 funded


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Update #17 - All books have shipped Aug. 28, 2023

Hey everyone,

Just heard from the publisher that they have mailed out all of the orders as of last week. For those of you who haven't gotten their book yet, it should be there this week. Please email me at if you somehow don't receive it by next Monday.

For everyone who has gotten it, read it, recommended it to friends, or posted a review, a sincere thank you. Those are the things I really need to help the book do well and not just flounder on the outskirts of relevance as not quite a failure and not quite a success like everything else I've ever done. Ha.

Much love to all of you wonderful people,
