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Innovation Wars

Scott Bales

Driving successful corporate innovation programs

Innovation Warfare gives you powerful tools to unlock your innovation journey, and shows you how to build success companies, teams and products in the digital era.

  Business & Money    Strategy   65,000 words   75% complete   Published by Morgan James Publishing
700 preorders
$27,344.00 funded


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Update #2 - Breaking New Ground May 31, 2016

It's been one month since the pre-orders campaign ended for my latest book, Innovation Wars.

Firstly I'd like to thank you all for your amazing support in making this project happen. As I said from the start, I wanted this project to deliver the most comprehensive innovation toolset, and I'm on track for that goal.

I've been doing a few last minute interviews and case studies to incorporate into the manuscript, and should have complete manuscript within the next couple of weeks. 

I'll be sharing with you all a sample chapter next week.

The best part is I'm in final negotiations with several publishers on deal that breaks new ground for the book industry. Normally there are two camps; self-published and traditional publishing. The new deal includes the best of both worlds. Firstly I crowd fund and self-produce the manuscript, but then work with the traditional publisher to distribute it. Once the deal is signed, I'll have an exactly delivery date for you.

Lastly, I'd like to thanks the teams at Insurgent Publishing, Winning Edits and Publishizer for again helping me break new boundaries. Their support and efforts have been key to making this book happen.

The Innovation Wars Workshop series is proving popular. Let me know if your company is keen to launch or accelerate their innovation efforts.

As a Thank you to everyone, I've discounted my first book, Mobile Ready to a crazy USD $3.99 on Kindle, and USD $9.99 for bulk orders of ten or more copies. Email me if you're interested

Thanks again

Scott Bales

Best-selling Author; Mobile Ready & Innovation Wars