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Abriella Milazzo

Abriella Milazzo

East Greenville, Pennsylvania

Abriella Milazzo received her degree in Environmental Science and Psychology. Spending over a decade exploring the unknown and traveling to faraway places, she decided to bring that kind of curiosity and exploration into the classroom. This is where the idea for My Pet Bug came to life, when she was studying to become a certified Montessori teacher. Reading is Fun!

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About the author

Abriella Milazzo, a New York native, raised in Tampa, Florida and has been wandering the globe ever since. As a certified yoga instructor and early childhood montessori educator she joyfully introduces the magic of coexisting with nature to young minds and adults alike! She effortlessly makes learning a fun process through engaging learning experiences, mentoring mindfulness, fueling creative expression & patiently promoting the practice of loving unconditionally for all of life, yes, even caring for beings as small as bugs!

She enjoys sharing her knowledge in many different settings throughout her days whether it be in a classroom, at a studio, on the web or surrounded by nature. She infuses creativity into her community through offering art & yoga classes, parties and workshops of all kinds. Her passion for storytelling and empowering others to tap into the power of divine light that resides within fuels her artistry. When she is not actively pursuing her dreams you can often find her exploring outdoors, playing in dirt a.k.a. gardening or cuddling with her two favorite furry friends Lynkx & Matilda.
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Update #1 - Just buggin’ you for a moment April 23, 2024

Abriella here! I’m excited to let you know that we are at the final stages of My Pet Bug before it officially births into a book!  

I just wanted to take this time to share the exciting news and thank you for following along the journey and purchasing your own (magical reading tool). I will keep you updated along the way…but rest assured the wait is almost over! 

My Pet Bug Coming soon…