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Succeed Without "Selling"

Diane Helbig

The more you think about selling, the less you will sell

The truth is you can't sell anyone anything. Instead of "selling," try being curious. Ask, truly listen, and connect the dots. Get out of 'sales brain' and into 'curious brain.'

  Business & Money   98,000 words   100% complete   Published by Morgan James Publishing
127 preorders
$2,540.00 funded


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Update #7 - Manuscript At The Publisher Dec. 8, 2019

Hello all. The manuscript, author questionnaire, and initial marketing plan are all at the publisher! I'll be speaking with them on the 13th to discuss the manuscript, cover, layout, etc.

Super excited to see the book coming to reality.

Thank you as always for your support and encouragement. I'll send another update when I know more.

