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Totally Real

Elizabeth Carney

A Blueprint to Reboot your Life

When your life has imploded, leaving you lost, confused, thinking this wasn't supposed to happen; when you have no clue how to move forward and you can't even admit to yourself that everything has gone horribly wrong, it's time to get real, to take back control and start living the life you deserve on your terms.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   50,000 words   100% complete   Published by Panoma Press
48 preorders
$1,154.00 funded


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Update #1 - New Bonus Added Dec. 5, 2020

Hello again, thanks for taking an interest in the journey of my book.  You may like to know that I have just added a new bonus.

Everyone that pre-orders one or more copies of the book during the pre-launch period, will be entered into a prize draw to win a week for two at my haven in Italy - once travel is permitted of course.

Here's a snippet from  one of my advance readers  "....It helps us to stand out in a way that is congruent with who we really are, and I love the ten-step reality check! READ IT!

Who do you know that would like to Reboot their life? Why not share the link, or gift them a copy too?

Here's the link

Many thanks for your support

Elizabeth x