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Inez Sobczak

Inez Sobczak

Arlington, Virginia

Nutritionist, wellness coach, and IFBB professional bodybuilder Inez Sobczak battled addiction for years before finding peace in understanding herself. Her victory has led to success personally and professionally.

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About the author

Born in Miami to a Cuban teen immigrant, Inez Sobczak was raised in rural Virginia by a white Catholic family. Her struggles with rejection and trauma led to years of battling an addiction that she hid behind amazing grades, popularity, corporate success, and physical fitness.
However, the balancing act grew too hard to maintain, and Inez found herself lonely, desperate, and afraid that someone would learn the truth about her. Postpartum depression led to a stay in the psych ward, where she finally began confronting her inner pain. Through a hard process of growth, Inez finally reached the point where she could lay down her addiction once and for all.
A successful fitness entrepreneur for over a decade, Inez has brought health and sobriety to numerous clients. She has also won bodybuilding competitions, most recently at the national level. Today, Inez lives in the D.C. area, where she devotes her time to wellness clients, competitions, and her five-year-old son.
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Success! Unlocking Me has already sold 72 pre-orders , and will be published by Morgan James .  This campaign ends on 06 November 2024..
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Update #1 - Healing is Not for Wimps! Aug. 15, 2022

“These stories are ones that I hope will help you find your path upwards.  Watching me walk away from self-destruction should shine a light on some exit doors of your own.  What is no longer serving you?  What do you need to leave behind?” - Unlocking Me, 2023

I wrote Unlocking Me to be a way for me to share my story, but also so it could be a guide for you to follow on your journey to self-discovery and healing.  In the book, I wrote prompts for you to begin asking yourself the tough questions that are the stepping stones to finding your authentic and healthiest self. 

Answer the prompts in the book and let me know how you feel.  Please message me on Instagram or Facebook or post to your social media accounts and tag me @Fitnez.  I will send you a signed copy of Unlocking Me and a new Fitnez T-shirt!  It’s my way of saying how proud I am of you for taking the first steps to change your life.

You can purchase your copy today here.