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Inez Sobczak

Inez Sobczak

Arlington, Virginia

Nutritionist, wellness coach, and IFBB professional bodybuilder Inez Sobczak battled addiction for years before finding peace in understanding herself. Her victory has led to success personally and professionally.

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About the author

Born in Miami to a Cuban teen immigrant, Inez Sobczak was raised in rural Virginia by a white Catholic family. Her struggles with rejection and trauma led to years of battling an addiction that she hid behind amazing grades, popularity, corporate success, and physical fitness.
However, the balancing act grew too hard to maintain, and Inez found herself lonely, desperate, and afraid that someone would learn the truth about her. Postpartum depression led to a stay in the psych ward, where she finally began confronting her inner pain. Through a hard process of growth, Inez finally reached the point where she could lay down her addiction once and for all.
A successful fitness entrepreneur for over a decade, Inez has brought health and sobriety to numerous clients. She has also won bodybuilding competitions, most recently at the national level. Today, Inez lives in the D.C. area, where she devotes her time to wellness clients, competitions, and her five-year-old son.
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Update #2 - Have we met before? Nov. 17, 2023

I’m Inez Sobczak, the author of Unlocking Me, and if we haven’t met in person before, I wanted to take the opportunity to say HI and tell you THANK YOU! This week, I’ve been reflecting on what I’m thankful for, and of course, the launch of my first book is one, but so are YOU for being a part of it. You have made me an author, and I will forever be grateful for that.

Unlocking Me is my personal story about my struggles with trauma-caused addiction and what tools I used to help me finally overcome that addiction once and for all. But this book isn’t just about addiction; it’s a roadmap for your future health and personal growth.

I want to pass along one of my favorite quotes from the book to you this week, hoping it will help nudge you along on your path to self-discovery. And I hope Unlocking Me is there to help guide you along the way.

“On the way to my healing, I dealt with this habit of suppressing what I truly felt and who I truly was. Growth and peace for me today look like awareness and wholeness.” - Unlocking Me, 2023

You can purchase your copy of Unlocking Me here.