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A Knock on the Door

Roberta Fernandez

A Knock on the Door is about two women who uncover a murder and vow to expose the killer. Tme is running out and they find that their own names are on the kill list. The path which the truth takes them on is one they never could have suspected. Do they have the courage and the ability to bring down the Director of the National Security Agency?

  Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense   81,509 words   100% complete   10 publishers interested
259 preorders
$5,015.00 funded


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Update #5 - More than 1/2 way there June 15, 2021

I wanted to let you know where I stand, as the campaign is almost over.

380 more copies in 16 days is the goal this site set to get a major publisher interested in my book. I have to be realistic.  At this point it’s doubtful I'll reach this, so I’m setting a new personal goal of topping 250 books in the next 14 days. I’ve got five smaller publishers looking at my book, and this would go a long way in impressing them!

Can you help me do it? If you would email 4 people that you have a good relationship with and ask them to support me, it would go miles in helping me accomplish this goal. Whether they are readers or just enjoy supporting startup authors, I’d be truly grateful! The link is  I’m including a sample email at the bottom that you can cut, paste and customize.

Don’t forget - you can start your holiday shopping in June! This is an opportunity to start stocking up on those gifts for hard to buy for people. They will NOT have read this book!

I’ll be back in touch to let you know if I make it,


Email to paste

Hi (name) ,

We are all inundated by people wanting something from us, but this ask is different. I’m reaching out to you because I know you’ll be interested in helping someone turn their dream into a reality. 

My friend Roberta has written her first novel called A Knock on the Door. It's a fast-paced crime thriller and people who have gotten sneak peeks of her first draft have loved it!

She's got five publishers interested in her book with 120 preorders, but she needs to reach a goal of 130 more copies in just 14 days to cement a publishing deal. To get the attention of a large publisher she needs a total of 500. 

She's offering a variety of special bonuses to help her reach her goal, so don't delay in checking out this site:  There’s only 14 days left for her to get this done, so start your holiday shopping for a gift that no one will have read - except me, LOL!

Thanks in advance,

(Your name)