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A Suicidal Son

Cassie Eads

1 in 6 kids are diagnosed with a mental disorder and suicidal thoughts are the new norm. A Suicidal Son is about how we can improve this situation. Cassie shares in great detail when her 8-year old son first shared his suicidal thoughts and her realization that our kids are our greatest teachers.

  Society & Culture   55,000 words   0% complete   9 publishers interested
$726.00 funded
6% of goal
34 preorders
6% of goal
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Update #2 - 2nd update Book Campaign March 30, 2020

Thrilled to share this update...please watch the video below!
Thank you all for supporting me and uniting to share this much needed information🙏🏻

Please continue to share and remember I am looking for larger groups, organizations, nonprofits, anyone that will look at the bonuses attached to the campaign!   Gotta try to push hard these next 13 days!! 
