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A Suicidal Son

Cassie Eads

1 in 6 kids are diagnosed with a mental disorder and suicidal thoughts are the new norm. A Suicidal Son is about how we can improve this situation. Cassie shares in great detail when her 8-year old son first shared his suicidal thoughts and her realization that our kids are our greatest teachers.

  Society & Culture   55,000 words   0% complete   9 publishers interested
$726.00 funded
6% of goal
34 preorders
6% of goal
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Update #3 - 9 days left... April 2, 2020

Hey Guys!!

What a fast month uh?! I am down to 9 days to share this book campaign and get organizations and groups behind the bonuses attached to the campaign!

Please share the Campaign Promotion below!  Use the link!

Thank you all so much!