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Debra McIntyre

Debra McIntyre

I was born and raised in southern Indiana, and spent the past 18 years in Central Kentucky. I spent my lifetime in two professions: newspaper and magazine writing and teaching. Currently I am a GED teacher in a state prison. I have three grown children and three grandsons and am active in church children's and worship ministries. A Wishful Eye is my first novel, inspired by the actions of my great great grandparents who were active participants in hiding runaway slaves on the Underground Railroad.

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Update #1 - A three-ring circus April 24, 2024

Happy Wednesday, subscribers!

Isn't May a beautiful, but hectic month?  There are graduations, Derby Day, Mother's Day, Cinco de Mayo, the end-of- school exams, Memorial Day, vacations to plan, garden beds to prepare, seeds and plants to put in place, and the list goes on and on!

Personally, I am juggling the usual roles of wife, daughter, mother, aunt, and grandma, as well as a teacher to my GED students, and a volunteer at my church. I know that's NOTHING compared to the schedule of some of you. It's times like these when we must force ourselves to slow down and literally stop and smell the roses - or in my case the peonies that are showing off right now here in Central Kentucky. 

Like everyone else, I have to remind myself of what my greatest priorities are and that's being faithful to my God in loving Him and those He puts in my path, AND getting this manuscript edited and out the door! 

I am going through each scene for accuracy in character descriptions, dates, point of view (we must not head hop!), as well as checking for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and Chicago Manual of Style consistency. 

On top of all that, I'm trying to learn the ropes on promoting my book. You subscribers are the first of what I hope are many "fans" that will enjoy reading the story God told me to write and then guided me through but will also be blessed by the Kingdom truths it reveals. 

Just about everyone who knows me and is in current contact with me in person or through Facebook has heard about my book for years now, but I need help spreading the word. I would love your input on how you think this can be accomplished. You can help by sharing the link to my presale campaign with anyone you know who loves reading Christian fiction and historical fiction.  Here's the link you can share:

I have an all-important phone meeting with my publisher next week on May 23rd and will update you further on exciting developments like cover art, etc. Meanwhile, spread the word and "Trust in the Lord with all your heart..." Prov. 3:5a

D.L. "Deb" McIntyre