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Abyssal Tides

M.S. Butler

Seven strangers struggle to stay alive and escape the horrors of Steincraft Island. If they fail, the whole world will pay the price.

  Science Fiction & Fantasy    Mystery   90,000 words   25% complete   3 publishers interested
12 preorders
$160.00 funded


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Update #10 - August Update Aug. 5, 2016

Hello Fantasy Fans!

I'm finally over halfway done with Abyssal Tides! It's been another hectic month with tons of ups and downs to keep your favorite author busy, but I've managed to cross the halfway mark and the finish line is in sight! In addition to the novel, I've also been working on making Cin City D&D the best gaming show on YouTube (Move over Force Grey and Acquisitions Incorporated)!

Abyssal Tides Update

Word Count: 64,594

Page Count: 343

57% Done!

First, I'd like to take a second to let you all know about some exciting news on the home front. Soon my fiancĂ©e and I will be moving to the sunny Florida panhandle where I will finally have an office and a yard for my dog! Obviously I am ecstatic about this, but unfortunately it means that there will most likely be a drop in my productivity. 

I know what you're all thinking... "How could you do this to us!?" or "Knowing I have Abyssal Tides to look forward to is the only thing that gets me through the day!" or "What are you!? Some sort of monster!?", but trust me, Abyssal Tides will proceed on schedule and be done in time to sate all of your rabid thirsts.

Next, I'd like to update you on the evolution of Cin City D&D. We are now sitting at 18 sessions (including one 'in person' session) with more on the way! Our sessions continue to get better and better if I do say so myself (and I just did). The players continue to surprise me with their dedication, creativity, and role-play acumen (used it correctly, mission accomplished). Together, we have added a theme song and intro video to the live streams to give it a more professional feel that we hope you will enjoy.

Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who is reading this right now. Your support helps me get through those days when I get kicked in the teeth and I'm ready to throw in the towel. Everyone of you is a hero to me and I promise I will not let you down. As corny as that sounds it is the truth; you are all ballers, shot callers, 20" rims on the Impala. I also promise never to quote 90s rap lyrics at you again. 

- M. S. Butler

P.S. Check out my website for more updates and info on my progress. Please watch us Monday nights from 10pm to Midnight at and, because we are needy and crave your love, please hit that subscribe button. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @mattsconfused if you want to hear me ramble about pre-season Hockey and how fluent I've become in French. Merci Beaucoup!