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Addicted to Health

Victoria Davis

Addicted to Health teaches the steps to change how we view health and find lasting freedom without obsession or punishment. In a world where everyone is aiming to find the perfect solution to their health problems, what happens when we go too far? Healthy living is incredibly important; however, it's often ruled by our fears, negative emotions and beliefs.

  Health, Fitness & Dieting   30,000 words   25% complete   Published by Atmosphere Press
74 preorders
$1,480.00 funded


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Update #3 - We hit 50 book pre-orders! 14 DAYS LEFT in the Addicted to Health campaign Aug. 17, 2020

OMG we've officially hit 50 book pre-orders.

THANK YOU for your support! I could not have done this without you. 

We've got 14 days left in this book campaign, which means the bonuses and pre-orders will go away until a deal is cut and we go from there!

I know this topic resonated with you personally, so here's how you can help spread the word about it:
1. Share the campaign on social media and tag someone it might speak to -
2.  Check out the bonuses - if they're right for YOU or for anyone else, let me know!
3. Watch the video below for updates!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Have a wonderful day!

Oh and if you're not following me on Facebook for lives and updates connected to the book, etc. please do so here:

To freedom,
