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Adventures of a Corporate Hippie

Lynda Bayada

An ex corporate girl’s guide from the rat race to joy and fulfilment

Irreverent, yet friendly, inspiring, yet real, vulnerable, yet courageous, this book encourages you to question life’s assumptions and the expectations you’ve been fed.

  Biography & Memoir    Self Help   81,000 words   100% complete   Published by Atmosphere Press
50 preorders
$865.00 funded


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Update #6 - And off to the proof reader we go! Oct. 16, 2018

Hello All

This will be the shortest update in the world.

We've now done the acknowledgements section, back of book wording and bio. We're ready for the next stage and that is proof reading. 

The proof reader, I am told, is very, very thorough. Which is what we all want. There's nothing worse than a slight grammatical error or an ill placed punctuation mark or a missed word! 

(I cringe when I find them in any of the work I've sent out. It's unfortunate I don't have my own proof reader on staff. Though sometimes my mum gets that job. She's also very thorough. She really should get paid.)

The book will be with the proof reader for at least three weeks now. So you won't hear from me again for a little while whilst we wait. 

Sit tight! We're almost there. 

With love
