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Chaithanya Sohan

Chaithanya Sohan

Fremont, California

Chaithanya was born in India before immigrating to America. She now works as an electrical engineer in Silicon Valley.

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About the author

Chaithanya Sohan immigrated to America from India in 2001. She currently works as an Electrical Engineer in the Silicon Valley. Chaithanya graduated from San Jose State University with Bachelors in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Santa Clara University.

Chaithanya Sohan has worked as a writer since 2002 when she started writing content for various websites. She free-lanced as a writer until 2013 when she decided to write her book America Deconstructed. She worked as a research manager and writer at One Earth One Mission for over four years during where she authored various pieces on political issues such as women empowerment and racial issue surrounding South Asians after to the September 11th attacks. Some of her works are published in websites such as Chaithanya enjoys traveling and runs her own blogs & Some of her most liked articles on her blog have been on cultural differences which has been an inspiration for this book. Besides that being married to an American has also played inspiration to the birth of America Deconstructed.

Chaithanya Sohan and Denell Hopkins have been married for eight years and have one human child, Maya (Age 1) and a puppy child named Zed (1 1/2). In their spare time, they enjoy basketball, traveling and hiking the mountains. They live in Newark, California with her parents and two cats.

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Shaima Adin

American Refugee and Immigrant, Born in Afghanistan, Lived in Pakistan

Afghani-born Shaima Adin came to the United States as a sixteen-year-old immigrant after spending years as a refugee in Pakistan. She currently works in an engineering management position at a Safety and Quality testing laboratory. Shaima has been married for seven years to Naseer, a fellow immigrant who is interviewed in the book, and together they have a one-year-old daughter, Hadiya. Both Shaima and Naseer are first-generation refugees who made the American dream a reality for themselves. They both love to travel, listen to music, or just go on long drives.

Shaima discovered her passion for writing when she came to the US and began attending school. She found a new platform where her thoughts and imagination were not confined to any cultural, religious, or political structure. She soon realized that academia gave her the means to set her writing spirit free. For years, Shaima wrote solely for school or work, but her thirst to write for a larger audience always remained unquenched.

In light of the recent growing debate about immigrants and refugees around the world, Shaima has joined forces with Chaithanya to put forth stories of immigrants from a spectrum of different backgrounds who all call America home. Her purpose in doing so is to paint a different picture of immigrants and refugees by displaying their sides of the story and the struggles of starting from nothing.





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• Book mark of our super awesome book cover
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• Interview the buyer for their immigrant experience which will be published on our social media sites and in some instances in the second part of the book.

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$100 Refugee Package

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• Book mark of our super awesome book cover
• Acknowledgement in the book
• Interview the buyer for their immigrant experience which will be published on our social media sites and in some instances in the second part of the book.

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$5000 Speaking Package

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• Book mark of our super awesome book cover
• Acknowledgement in the book
• Interview the buyer for their immigrant experience which will be published on our social media sites and in some instances in the second part of the book.
• Speaking by the authors on Diversity in America
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Update #1 - Thank you for pre-ordering our book! May 9, 2017

Thank you for supporting our book by pre-ordering it! We have six publishers interested in signing us because of your pre-orders. We have started talking to the interested publishers and will decide on THE ONE shortly- hopefully within the next month or so. Thank you yet again!