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April Fools' Day 2023

Brian Bell

The Future Weather Tragedy

Based on actual events, this fictionalized story foretells a national tragedy occurring in 2023. A devastating weather event catches the nation by surprise, which is directly attributed to the privatization efforts that have debilitated the National Weather Service (NWS). It’s a story that describes how pernicious, self-serving corporations could weaken the NWS and consequentially place millions of Americans at risk.

  Literary Fiction   65,000 words   0% complete   11 publishers interested
$365.00 funded
4% of goal
11 preorders
4% of goal
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Update #1 - Early support is appreciated. June 13, 2016

Big thank you for your support at the launch of the campaign. It's a long road to go, but you all helped establish the foundation. Much appreciation to all of you.