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Kim Harris Mullins

Kim Harris Mullins

Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Kim Mullins is a former journalist, public relations professor and congressional assistant communications director and current insurance compliance director, problem solver, planner, advocate, and colorectal cancer survivor and thriver.

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About the author

As a former reporter and journalist, I find comfort in asking who, what, where, when, why, and how. With the answers to these questions, a news or feature story practically writes itself. But when I got cancer, at least half of the standard questions had no definitive answers—the when, why, and how. My story would not easily write itself. I would have to dig deep to piece it all together.

The problem solver and planner in me saw all sorts of gaps during my cancer journey that needed to be filled, like not having a clue about my health. Like not insisting on getting a colonoscopy or getting a second opinion when something was clearly wrong. Like a way to keep up with all that stuff—doctor appointments, treatments, what to do,
not to do, etc. (Heads up to the journal/planner for cancer patients you’ll see in the Marketing section.) Like insurance denying a scan my doctor ordered to see if the cancer had spread. Like finding out insurance would only pay for 20 colostomy bags a month (you do the math). Like realizing the financial strain of all the medical (even with
insurance) and nonmedical stuff, like gas cards and food for those who traveled to treatment. Like finding out the closest ostomy support group was at least 40 miles away. I knew where the gaps were not only from personal experience, but also from working for or consulting to health insurance companies the past 10 years.

During my journey, the advocate in me wanted so many things: to encourage prevention. To push lowering the age at which insurance will pay for colonoscopies as preventive screenings. To help those on the same or similar journey. To establish a local fund to help with some of the gaps, like providing gas cards, ostomy supplies, financial help for what insurance won’t pay, etc. To expand the local fund outward as
far as others are willing to take it. To start an ostomy support group. (I’m beyond excited to share movement on the latter.) I’m employing some of the same PR tactics I taught my students at my alma mater for over 10 years in my advocacy efforts.
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Update #2 - Are You Shitting Me?! Update May 4, 2021

Hi, Friend,

The pre-order campaign for Are You Shitting Me?! on Publishizer has ended. Thank you so much for  your support! So, what happens next? I'll be talking with two publishers who have expressed an interest, as well as continuing to shop the book proposal to other publishers. AND launching a new WordPress site devoted to continuing to take pre-orders for Are You Shitting Me?! I'll also offer some book-related items, such as the journal/planner specific to the needs of those battling cancer and other illnesses and thank-you/note cards, post blogs and other content, and welcome comments and conversation through the new site. AND of course, writing the rest of this book!!! All this activity will help bring this book out into the larger world, by demonstrating to publishers what we already know - there is a big need and demand for this resource and unique way of elevating an uncomfortable, but very necessary conversation. Stay tuned! I will keep you posted.

Much Love,
