Reconciliation in the embattled region contested by three nuclear-armed nations
Analysis of the Kashmir dispute, and finding ways to break the status quo enabling the aggrieved parties to engage in a long lasting and effective dialogue.
Dear Friends around the world,
Thank you so much for your support and patience. Publishizer has included my profile into their Rights Guide that connects me to a variety of publishers.
A few weeks ago I wrote a long proposal for an editorial board of a publishing company. Publishizer’s team is in active discussion with them.
However, it is not only about finding a publisher that is willing to print the book. We are also committed finding a publisher who believes in the same thing as us in relation to Kashmir by seeking a peaceful resolution and to include all the aggrieved parties of the conflict.
By mid-June we should be able to give you more news.
Warmest regards,
Laura Schuurmans