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Beauty for Ashes

Judith Glory

7 Ways To Turn Your Painful Experiences Into Gold.

How to turn the most devastating experiences of your life into a beautiful golden mine.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement    motivation   45,000 words   0% complete   0 publishers interested

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Many people seem to rock it well on the outside while in the inside, they carry intense brokenness, a resulting effect of a painful experience that has occurred and was never properly taken care of.

This book is written for every person who has gone through a very painful life experience that happened in their life such as such as loss, failure, rape, divorce, death of loved ones, addictions, suicidal attempts. It explains all the negative emotional wounds that grow and develop as a result of the painful situation that occurred. The reader is taken in a deep dive into the consequences these experience have on the reader, especially on his inner strength and confidence.

The book then shows how the inner being can be healed and restored from inside out to a stronger person. The book shows how a switch in the way we think about the sorrowful experience can result in a different perception of the experience. This change in the way we view the experience opens the door to a whole new life full of promises and possibilities.

The book provides tools and actionable steps that the reader can apply to free himself from all the negative thoughts, conscious and unconscious that have been built as a result of the awful event. Strengthened by the experience, the reader is free to fly and reach higher heights and be an inspiration for those who might go through the same experience.



This opening section explain how despite the happy strong and charming outward look people put on every day , many are broken , deeply wounded inside. A large number of people go through or have had some sort of devastating experience. However each individual has the choice either to continue living like that, with the shadow of the pain that can tint the various aspect so f their life or make up their mind to deal with the awful experience and turn it for their good using the steps presented in the book.

Chapter One: What a painful experience …

The reader learns how all the aspects of his personality and being have been affected by the difficult experience. He is guided though the steps of conscious acknowledgement of how deeply he was affected.

Chapter two: Your true self broken from inside

The reader will learn in this section how his true personality, actions, success, results, are actually driven from his inner being. Therefore it is important to focus on healing the inside as this will affect the outside, yield more permanent results.

The reader is given action steps to identify and heal his inner self.

Chapter three: Forgive - Love and heal

The reader is guided though the healing process of forgiveness for himself or others that were involved in the painful event, then an extravagant love plan is given him that has a sure effect to renew and boost his confidence and trust despite what happened.

Chapter Four: Strengthened  by your knowledge  

The reader is guided into discovering his strengths and building on them to happily get over his hurt and on with his life.

Chapter Five: Growing stronger each day

As the reader has discovered in the previous chapter how he can tap into his strengths to get on with his life, he is now guided to design a growth plan that will help him get stronger each day.

Chapter six: Your experience is the answer

The reader leans how having become strong from growing on his experience, can be the solution to someone else who has just gone through the same situation.

Chapter seven: Let it glow

As the reader helps more and more people by sharing his experience, he becomes a reference for all the tribe formed by people who know what that pain is. The reader learns how to leverage that experience and the people he is helping into a lucrative opportunity.


Each chapter ends with a set of exercises that give the reader specific instructions that he can immediately apply to lock in the point explained in the chapter. In the conclusion, the most important ideas are put together as a summary or reminder that the reader can refer to,  for refreshment or rapid review.


A United Nations statistical report compiled from government sources showed that more than 250,000 cases of rape or attempted rape were recorded by police annually.

 In America, there is one divorce approximately every 36 seconds*. That's nearly 2,400 divorces per day, 16,800 divorces per week and 876,000 divorces a year. 

40 million children subjected to abuse each year.

Not to far this year, the #MeToo Movement scandal broke out revealing how huge is the number of people, men, women, children who have gone through the  humiliating experience of sex abuse.

Put together, it is more than 50 million people who have suffered a very drastic event that will forever have a mark on their life. This amount is without considering statistics of people who have lost a loved one, who have lost a loved one, or those had a major failure.

All the people involved in these events, end up broken inside. Even though they may swallow and hide the pain to the best of their ability, their inner being is in ashes and as such they would benefit of reading this book.


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There are many books dealing with topics of positive psychology, mindfulness and changing our thinking to change our life including you can heal your life by Louise Hay and Beauty for Ashes: Receiving Emotional Healing by Joyce Meyer.

The former handles the healing of emotions using the personal experience of Louise Hay, which may not really fit with the reality of the reader. The book by Joyce Meyer tackle the topic of emotional healing mostly under a Christian perspective which leaves out the millions or reader who might not share the same faith.

This book is distinctively different from any other such book on the market because is is not based only on the personal experience of the author, but it also includes a synthesis of the best positive psychology ideas developed over the last hundred years to help people get free from their painful experience and  rise above the negatives experience to blossom into a new colourful life juts like a caterpillar goes though a transformational experience to become a beautiful butterfly.

Judith Glory

About the author

Judith Glory is an MBA graduate, as well as a John Maxwell leadership Coach, trainer and speaker. She is also a published author, a certified positive psychology practitioner, with decades of experience in the corporate world, working for companies like, Apple, IBM, The Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, and a major financial institution in North America. Her experience covers various roles, in multiples industries and continents.

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