How to Shed Fear, Live Courageously, and Own Your Peace
Becoming a Peaceful Powered Leader is a coaching companion for leaders about how to take action and step into accountability. It aims to, and delivers on, solving the problem of needing more time, struggling to stay connected to values, and building engagement with those on your team and in your community, including ourselves.
Every leader starts out their new role with a sense of excitement, passion, and intent to take care of others. Real selfless leadership is hard. And it gets harder. Our excitement can fade, passion may dip, and our connection to the values we started with may hit a low point until we ultimately question why. Why am I doing this? Why did I start in the first place? Should I keep going?
Through this process the leader goes from optimistic and excited to struggling to find peace, stay afloat, and lead their team the way they hoped to. According to Gallup, companies have shared they missed the mark 82% of the time, on hiring high management talent. It doesn’t have to be this way though, for the organization or the leader trying to give their best.
In Becoming a Peaceful Powered Leader: How to Shed Fear, Live Courageously, and Own Your Peace, Jared Narlock, a certified human resources trainer and coach, teaches readers to explore a different view of accountability as leaders not only in our careers, but in all aspects of our life. While the book is written to connect primarily with those in leadership roles, it also is built to connect to any individual seeking inner peace in their life. It aims to, and delivers on, solving the problem of needing more time, struggling to stay connected to values, and building engagement with those on your team and in your community, including ourselves.
83% of the workforce suffers from work related stress, according to the American Institute of Stress, and rumbling with their inner peace. In this book there are tools, research, and experienced advice provided to demolish the slag weighing us down and become a truly peaceful powered version of ourselves. Peaceful Powered Leadership shares six actionable steps that help individuals own their peace. In the book readers will dive into reflection, exercises and application in the six areas of Becoming A Peaceful Powered Leader:
1. Set and Own Your Reality - The first essential and grounding foundational piece of Peaceful Powered Leadership involves accountability. Leaders who operate in an ownership mindset look for ways to grow, make a point to pay attention to what they say, and understand the power of choice. They connect the accountability they own to the way they serve those they have the privilege to lead.
2. Build Others Up - A large part of peace involves looking for opportunities to elevate others and bring gratitude forward. Peaceful Powered Leaders commit to their own success and define what it looks like for them with healthy ego management, in an effort to stay out of comparison and competition in service to others. Their narratives are kept in check and they commit to continued growth in working toward healthy ways to embrace the full spectrum of emotions.
3. Put Service to Others Ahead of Self Service - Serving others ahead of self-service decisions seems easy on paper but research shows that when faced with tough decisions leaders often struggle with the choice. A key piece in making the decision easy and maintaining peace in the process, is connecting firmly to our values and sharing them regularly in word and action with those we serve. The connection of values involves often walking the path of what's right over what is easy or comfortable. Peaceful Powered Leaders have a process that allow them to stay connected to values, role model service to others consistently and open the door to extend trust further.
4. Invest in Others - Building others up through reward and recognition is essential and taking it further with investing in others through partnership in development helps create an environment connected to engagement instead of entitlement. Peaceful Powered Leaders model the way in investment on how they create opportunities through ownership and help distinguish the difference between venting and investing with those they lead.
5. Set Sacred Time with Themselves - It's hard for leaders to be deliberate in investing in others if they aren't also investing in themselves and being deliberate in treating their development time as sacred. Sacred time is focused time for detachment and reflection. Reflection on what's going well, what's coming forward, and how can the leader best serve their team and their organization. Reflection also provides opportunity to work toward strategy in growth. It sets up a deliberate practice that keeps leaders away from firefighting and jumping from meeting to meeting, and instead creating through investment in others a team of problem-solvers and being essential in how they build strategy together.
6. Empower Yourself and Create an Environment for Others to Thrive - A common misconception is empowerment is given. This piece of becoming a Peaceful Powered Leader ties right into setting and owning your reality, as empowerment is stepped into not given. Peaceful Powered Leaders give options though, not excuses and model this process for those they serve. They understand failure is a learning experience, it is okay, and work to partner with others on focusing on their try!
Whether you're a newly promoted leader, a seasoned vet, or an aspiring CEO, this book will help you figure out what peace means to you, and how to hone your efforts and talents to create people powered moments through leadership.
Author Jared Narlock, has himself been a practicing leader at all levels of leadership, from supervisor to executive, having been a Director of People and Organizational Development for two different organizations, and a Vice President of Talent Development. He is a keynote speaker, certified coach and leadership development consultant for over 15 years. He strives to help grow the way people view their communication, accountability, and growth around professional and personal development. He works with groups of all sizes around the world, helping them find courage, step into action, and lead through influence to create workspaces that open the door for empowerment and engagement built on strong foundations of trust and communication. Jared doesn't claim to have all the answers, but he will teach you how to ask the right questions and how to take action when you find the answers.
The main audience for this book would be those in leadership roles or those that aspire to be in leadership roles.
"Jared and I share the belief that vulnerability in leaders is a strength, not a weakness. I applaud his transparency in telling his own story. Without a doubt he makes the case for becoming a peaceful, powered leader!" - Kristen Hadeed, Author of Permission to Screw Up
Jared Narlock has a passion for helping others on their growth and development journey. He is a former Human Resources Vice President of Talent Development, and has held the role of Director of People and Organizational Development for two different organizations. He is a professional speaker and consultant specializing in professional and leadership development, communication, engagement and team development.
Jared has more than 15 years of experience in adult, corporate and continuing education with a focus on leadership and talent development. His background encompasses all aspects of Human Resources, with emphasis in organizational development and employee relations. Jared is a former Tedx speaker, and his writings have been published on and As a speaker, he doesn’t present or teach material, but instead collaborates through personal storytelling of his failings and learnings combined with his growth through these experiences and the expertise he’s gained through certifications like Reality Based Leadership Facilitator, DISC Facilitator, Society for Human Resource Management Senior Certified Professional and International Coach Federation Certified Coach.
Jared is also veteran of the United States Air Force, obtained his Master's Degree in Public Administration, and enjoys volunteering coaching services to the community and non-profit organizations he partners with. He finds joy in running marathons and obstacle course races, along with outdoor activities with his wife, Nichole, and their son Cayden.
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I want to thank you for your continued support of the book and share that all pre-orders through the Publishizer campaign have been sent out …
I want to thank you for your continued support of the book and share a really cool opportunity to be a part of the …
Becoming A Peaceful Powered Leader has its final cover! I'm excited to share the final cover and let you all know the manuscript is going through the …
Becoming A Peaceful Powered Leader is going to be published by Morgan James Publishing! I'll be partnering with their author support team in the coming weeks on …
I want to sincerely thank everyone that pre ordered in week 1! I can’t wait for all of you to read the journey, spend time in …
Becoming a Peaceful Powered Leader is live to pre order today. It’s been years of growth, self-discovery, coaching, leadership development with both myself and others …
Jared, thank you for all you do each and every day to inspire people to be better, do better!
Good luck on your journey Jared. Excited for you!
Jared, Good luck with the book and with your Peaceful Powered journey. You should be very proud of the work you are doing to assist other leaders with identifying their why and improving not only their journey, but the journeys of everyone they supervisor. Bobbi Jean
Excited to read your book!
I am so excited for you and to read your book. What an amazing accomplishment!
Congrats sir, look forward to ready it.
Can't wait to dive into this book! Congrats on this accomplishment and thank you for sharing your wisdom in leadership!
You will succeed and accomplish this goal!
Congratulations!! Looking forward to diving into the concepts.
Wishing you the very best my brother! Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world.
Thanks for what you do, excited to read this!
So excited for you Jared as you continue on your journey and have this great opportunity to share your experiences and insights with others. Can't wait for the books to arrive and for me to be able to share with other!
Hello Jared- please autograph my book if at all possible. Looking forward to reading this!! So very happy and proud of the great man you have become!! Love and miss you!! Chris
I'm honored to support you as you publish your second book, Jared! So excited to see it in print!
Heart you!!
Congrats on your accomplishments!!
Way to go! So proud to be a part of your journey!
Thank you!
Excited to read the book!
Congrats Jared!! I'm sure this has been a lot of work but I can't wait to read it!
Looking forward to reading your book!
Jared congratulations on such an awesome accomplishment! I am so excited to read all this hard work!
Thanks Jared for sharing your experience and insights on how to become a peaceful powered leader. All leaders can use the help as we try to make a difference in this world of chaos.
Emily Vlietstra
Congratulations Jared!
I can’t wait to read your new book!
Jared, very proud of you and to know you. Thanks for passing positive energy to so many through your actions, example, and writings.
Congrats on your many accomplishments! Can’t wait to read this book!😀
Can’t wait to be inspired!
Looking forward to this read, and wishing you much success!
Very excited for you cous! Thank you for all that positive energy you share!!
Looking forward to reading it!
Great work Jared, we're very proud of you up here in Wisconsin. Stay well and God bless!
-Byron W.
Looking forward to reading and applying the processes you’ve highlighted in this newest book, Jared! Your leadership and mentorship are an inspiration to me as I continue to grow as a leader!
I look forward to reading it, Jared! I have subscribed to the “Servant Leader” philosophy for most of my career. In the last year or so I have felt myself slipping into a mind frame where I felt like more of a gopher than a leader. I suspect that stems from the fact that I’ve changed career paths, and have had to learn much from those who report to me. I’m looking forward a renewed perspective! dd
Can’t wait to receive my book Jared! Miss you in Rapid!
Looking forward to reading this and learning from you! Best wishes for massive success!!
Thanks Jared for writing such a compelling book on leadership with a refreshingly new perspective. I look forward to its arrival at my home.
All the best,
Ray Langlois
Helped at Silver. I love to share good books and I think this is going to be worth sharing.
Good luck, Jared. Look forward to reading this!
So excited for you and this endeavor, Jared! Cannot wait to read and implement these practices into my career and personal life.
Jared is a talented committed leader. Thanks Jared for sharing your knowledge!
Can’t wait to read this!!! Thank you for all you do!
Can’t wait!!!
You're welcome buddy! Can't wait to read it!!
Looking forward to reading the book!
Order placed! Keep living with peace and joy on this journey!
best wishes on your new book! I hope your move to Florida is great and your son continues to be healthy.
I am so excited for you Jared and cannot wait to read it! May you continue to be blessed in blessing us!
I'm excited to be part of this journey of yours. Excited to read the book, too! Keep in touch, brother!
Looking forward to reading and sharing your message!
I hope this journey is as successful as your others!! I can’t wait to read your insights!! Always great perspective!!
So very proud of all your many accomplishments!!!❤
I am looking forward to your book. This falls in line with what I stand for...defining inner peace for the freedom to lead!
Can't wait to read this, Jared! I know that anything coming from you will be thoughtful, wise, humble, helpful and an all around great read. Congrats on getting it out there!!
Best Wishes with this book Jared.
We ordered a couple extra to share! 😉
Blessings to you and your family!
Take Care,
Bill & Janet Rudderham
Looking forward to reading it, jared!
Looking forward to reading this book.
I look forward to reading it!
Super excited for this Jared! So proud of you for all of your work on this. Keep doing great things in the world.
- Alex Dorr
I've seen you speak a few times now and I truly appreciate your servant leader status. I am very much looking forward to reading your book and staying in contact with you. Keep your positive attitude, as it makes this a better world to live in.
Congrats! I am happy for you a d can’t wait to read the book!
Can’t wait to read this!!
So proud of you!! Way to go!!
I’m so proud of all you are doing! You are a blessing! I’m looking forward to reading your book.
Dr. Sandra Ogunremi
Wishing you well Jared and can’t wait to read your book!
Cant wait to get my copy!! Thank you Jared for your kind and compassionate leadership❣
Keep doing your great work and giving of your talents in the service of others. Best always.
So proud of you! Any wait to get it!
Congratulation on your second book! What an accomplishment. I am looking forward to reading it.
Hi Jared! I don't believe I've ever had the privilege of meeting you, but, I used to work with your wife at BHFCU while in the Contact Center. Her stories were always fun to hear and the way she described you always caught my attention. A couple years back, I was lucky enough to be introduced to Jason Miller during his time at BHFCU and he shared similar and great things about you from his time with you at the hospital. I work with the Learning and Performance team at BHFCU and am very excited to get to hear some of your views on leadership. Thank you for taking the time to put this book together!
Mitch Linster
We are super excited to support you Jared and can't wait to read the book! - SCHS OD Team
Looking forward to getting the book for myself as well as a few other leaders. Congrats!
Todd Shields
Dear Jared,
I look forward to reading your book and to continue to learn from you!
Warm regards,
Looking forward to reading this and excited to get the opportunity to continue to learn from you Jared.
Much respect,
I have learned a lot from you Jared! Thank you for helping me see the light.
Congratulations Jared, so excited to read your new book! Proud of all you have accomplished!
Dear Jared,
I am looking forward to reading your book after watching your videos and more on LinkedIn.
Best wishes,
Looking forward to your book!
Your vision and ambition for this book is inspiring!! Don’t ever give up. “In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins; not through strength, but through perseverance.”
So excited for you Jared! My hope is that this book and all that it will accomplish will exceed your wildest imagination and greatest hopes! All the best to you and this venture!
Thank you for always investing in me during our coaching sessions. I look forward to the book!
I'm so proud of you, Jared!! Can't wait to read this!
Looking forward to reading this! Thank you Jared!
Good luck, Jared!!!
Looking forward to reading it man!
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+ Two 30-minute development coaching sessions with author and certified coach Jared Narlock
+ 6 copies of the book
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+ Advance access to the introduction and first chapter of the book
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+ Author Jared Narlock will conduct a 3-hour virtual workshop/training for you and your team around Peaceful Powered Leadership
+ 2 one hour individual/group coaching sessions
+ 20 copies of the book
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+ Peaceful Powered Leader Quick Reference Sheet
+ Your name in the book acknowledgements
2 readers
+ Author Jared Narlock will conduct 6-hours of virtual workshop/training for you and your team around Peaceful Powered Leadership
+ Author Jared Narlock will conduct a 4-hour virtual workshop/training in collaboration with your development request around the following topics, trust, communication, residency, change management, or engagement
+ 4 one hour individual/group coaching sessions
+ 50 copies of the book
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+ Advance access to the introduction and first chapter of the book
+ The PEACEFUL One Page Reference
+ Peaceful Powered Leader Quick Reference Sheet
+ Your name in the book acknowledgements
0 readers
+ Author Jared Narlock will conduct 6-hours of virtual workshop/training for you and your team around Peaceful Powered Leadership
+ Author Jared Narlock will conduct two 4-hour virtual workshop/training in collaboration with your development request around the following topics, trust, communication, residency, change management, or engagement
+ 6 one hour individual/group coaching sessions
+ 120 copies of the book
+ eBook
+ The PEACEFUL One Page Reference
+ Peaceful Powered Leader Quick Reference Sheet
+ Your name in the book acknowledgements
on Oct. 1, 2020, 11:41 a.m.
Can’t wait to read this Jared! You have always been a powerful leader and mentor to me since our first meeting!
I strive each day to reach your level of servant leadership!
Congrats on the new book!