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Joseph Allen

Joseph Allen

Roseville, California

I have freelanced behind the scenes in the movie business for 25 years as part of the Grip Department, with over 100 combined movies, tv shows and commercials worked on.

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About the author

For many years I have had people come to me for advise on how to get into the movie business. Like many that will be reading this book, I started at the bottom and worked my way up. I came into the business at age 28 with no experience except from jobs outside the industry. I knew nothing about the business, but I was hungry to learn. At that time, I could've used a book like the one I'm writing. I worked hard, asked many questions, learned fast and was persistent. Through time, opportunities and doors began to open. And once that chance was there, I went after it.

Entering my 25th year in the business, I feel that my experience and knowledge can help many people. I have had an incredible journey making films in the Bay Area with amazing people and projects. I am lucky to say that each year in the business for me has given me at least two to three jobs per year where I finish them and tell myself, "I will remember that project my whole life." That to me is the magic-- loving what you do, being excited about what might happen and not really knowing what the next text, phone call or project will bring. Each person's journey will be different and interesting and that is what keeps you coming back year after year. My hope is that this book will give each reader an opportunity to experience this same kind of magic.
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1 Copy of the autographed edition of the book "Behind the Scenes: How to Survive in The Movie Business as a Freelance Film Technician" + Free invitation to the book launch. You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community.

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$100 Bonus Q & A

3 readers

5 autographed copies and a 20 minute video chat "Q & A", and autographed editions of the book "Behind the Scenes: How to Survive in The Movie Business as a Freelance Film Technician" + Free invitation to the book launch. You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community.

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$200 Double Bonus Q & A

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10 autographed copies and a 1 hour video chat "Q & A", and autographed editions of the book "Behind the Scenes: How to Survive in The Movie Business as a Freelance Film Technician" + Free invitation to the book launch + A Big Thank you mention in the book.

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Update #1 - Book campaign and the road from here! March 16, 2020

Hello all!  I wanted to thank each of you personally for supporting my journey to get my book published.  The campaign is complete.  For those that don't know, Publishizer acts as the middle man to help authors get attention of publishers through a crowd funding campaign.  At the end of a campaign, it comes down to many things that will attract a publisher to a particular author and book idea.  The more book sales, the more publishers become interested in publishing your book.  As many of you know, my campaign launched right in the beginning of the virus pandemic.  Thus making it a challenging time for people to think about supporting causes.  Based on this, there is a possibility that the campaign may get an extension of 30 more days to try and gather more funds to publish.  In the meantime, 3 publishers did express interest in publishing the book.  I am now in talks with all 3 and working on hearing their proposals and terms next week.  Based on these talks and the funds I have raised will determine if the campaign will reopen for an additional 30 day run.  I wanted to again thank all of you for the support.  This is my first book and I am learning as I go.  I will be sending out updates to all my subscribers with all news as I push forward trying to get the book published.  I hope all of you are safe and strong.

All the best.

Joe Allen