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Amit Gupta

Amit Gupta


I am a Project Manager turned Entrepreneur with 12 years of successful IT career in India and Singapore. My first success was a fashion ecommerce site whose business plan was shortlisted my NASSCOM 10,000 Startups and got gift packages from Google, Amazon and Knowlarity. I was part of JFDI Discover, Singapore and did a gig in Sinagpore's own Silicon Valley i.e. Blk 79. I am based out of Bangalore and Singapore, hotbeds of Startup in Asia.

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Big Bucks Startup Way

Bid adieu to job and join millionaires' club - This is how tech entrepreneurs do

Great businesses are being built in garages and dorms like Airbnb, Apple, Whatsapp. This book explain how to do it from scratch yourself.

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Before Google, Facebook and iPhones happened, going to college and getting a job with handsome salary considered to be success. Now the world has changed, job is good but not better. The success stories nowadays are how a school dropout managed to build a startup on a shoestring budget in their dorms or garages, went out to investors and are now worth billions and billions of dollars.

How many of us are satisfied with our jobs and their salaries. We have to pay bills and loans and invest for marriage or child future and continue 9-5 cycle till we retire. Our talents and intellect has become commodity and most of us are risk averse. I was following the herd mentality too. After 12 years of successful IT career in India and Singapore and much research I have found the way to be my own boss.

It's one thing to know that the shiny red car can reach 0 to 150 miles per hour in three seconds and other thing to own them. It's a no brainer, everybody know how to get one of the porches or lamborghini. Get a decent job, save enough money and one day get the bank to finance a loan. Right? Absolutely right but wait. There is one personality who said "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish" and his company has twice as much cash as US government. I am talking about the great Steve Jobs, who dropped out and built a product in a garage which the world loves.

What if one has the garage and the potential but some knowledge and myths about the dorm or garage magic by the wizards like Steve Jobs, Sergey and Larry, Mark Z. Why can't we with our talent and intellect do it?

Is it difficult to leave a good paying job and stop working for money and have money work for us?In this world of Internet and iPhones, ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

I have spent 12 years of IT career to learn and understand how tech can make an entrepreneur rich. By starting from scratch, teaching you how to code, do a startup, how to raise money from investors till scaling the business, this book will be your companion in the journey of what happens in the dorm before a startup you own which can be worth million dollars comes into existence.

There are numerous tech startups emerging everyday which are doing great business and raising money from investors. The idea need not be unique and world changing to be successful. Think of it as a small and medium enterprise. What if you knew, how to develop your own Uber or Airbnb or Groupon, wouldn't you be tempted to start a similar business in your own capacity. Your's might not be valued billion dollars but with right traction you can raise millions.

You can also be the part of the tech entrepreneur ecosystem and contribute to them earning the riches which comes along. The book will be short of telling how to scale the business which you built. But rest assured you will get the minutest details of what goes in building a startup from scratch.


Chapter 1 - Cover story of a successful dorm room entrepreneur
Chapter 2 - Identifying Ideas
Chapter 3 - Crafting and refining a Value Proposition
Chapter 4 ... n - Chapters on Lean Canvas, Lean Stack,
Chapter more - Landing Pages, Customer Validation

Chapter 1 - Introduction on Website Design using HTML and CSS, outsourcing
Chapter 2 - Bootstrap
Chapter 3 - Actual frontend design of my startup using bootstrap, jQuery

Chapter init - Essay on choosing a CTO, technical co-founder, outsourcing et al by a successful entrepreneur
Chapter 1 - Introduction on a PHP framework Laravel
Chapter 2 - High level design of the backend of my startup
Chapter 3...n - Technical stuff, database design, coding, Laravel, RESTful API, Responsive Design. (Actual implementation of my startup codebase)
Chapter 4 - Mobile App development

Chapter 1 - Cover story by an investor
Chapter 2 - Develop a business plan, pitch
Chapter 3 - Venture fundable business, what VCs look
Chapter 4...n - Networking, Accelerator Programs, Angelist

Case Studies of how entrepreneurs scaled MVP to successful business.

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