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Bird Is The Word

Caroline Gaskin

Nourish Your Mind, Heal Your Body and Detox From The Digital World

Bird Is The Word explores how we can nourish our mind and body by using the everyday practice of bird watching–just like yoga, meditation or reading- and access a powerful 'medicine' to heal our uncertainty, social distraction, and act as a digital detox.

  Nature & Environment   50,000 words   25% complete   15 publishers interested
$4,371.00 funded
36% of goal
183 preorders
36% of goal
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Update #7 - A small voice that shouts loud May 9, 2021

Wow, I cannot believe how fast this year is flying and I have to admit that my focus has been on juggling a lot of client work and bringing through courses and webinars.

It’s been a crazy ride for all of us. Often not quite sure of the narrative - first we’re told one thing, then another. Sometimes we have to change tack midstream. It’s stressful, unnerving and a lot to take in.

Some mornings I’ve been waking early with a panic with the realisation that I’m meant to be editing a book.

And so I sat and read a book. I actually had to timeblock to do it.

As a kid you couldn’t me out of a book. As a practising homeopath in a pandemic, I’m often in a book but not for the joy of it, more for the devouring of knowledge to solve a problem. And that’s such a different feeling.

The idleness and luxury of reading and relaxing into a book, being totally engrossed so often eludes me at this point in life. There’s something else that pings in that has to be done. Thankfully I know I’m not alone in this. And thank goodness for Whatsapp and memes and colleagues.

My escape is off and out with binoculars - today was the Capital Ring Section 10 with Reed Warblers and Whitethroats up at the Welsh Harp Reservoir – but reading that book changed something and I made a massive decision.

In order to get Bird Is The Word where it needs to be I’d have to give something up.

A small voice told me what and I’ve acted on that these past 2 weeks. 

So I’m sorry if I seemed out of the loop. I promise you Bird Is The Word is coming.

In between somehow I’ve been listening to the small birds and learning to tell their songs apart. The robins right now are so much more elaborate as they sing for a mate. And the feeling is that under pressure I’m learning faster and working smarter.  

 Watch this space and see you here soon.

PS. the book was The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks