
Your search term isn't long enough.

By Kevin W. McCarthy

OK, fellow authors, I admit that I'm experimenting with Publishizer, but so far so good.

Have you looked at the crowdfunding platforms out there with a measure of admiration for the cool ideas and new products they showcase, but as an author they just didn't seem right for your book? That’s what I used to think. Now I know better.

Publishers rejected my book idea

Since 2000, I've had a visionary business leadership concept in my back pocket called Chief Leadership Officer.  It extends my On-Purpose® message specifically into the business owner/C-Suite markets and their management teams. A recent as April 2015, I traveled down the traditional book proposal pitch to a top tier publisher. The proposal was accepted for review, but was ultimately rejected. They loved the idea but didn't like my then execution. They were right, but I ended up in a concept cul-de-sac without a writing avenue to move the book forward. The book and I stalled.

Chief Leadership Officer, like my On-Purpose series of books, promises to be a game changer in business leadership. The premise is simple: CEOs emerged from the Industrial Revolution, but have a diminishing effectiveness in the Digital Age and beyond. In the future, CEOs will be replaced by CLOs who have the responsibility to position:

• The organization to be a leader in a chosen field
• The people to be leaders in their lives and work

Enter Publishizer

Late April of 2016, enter Publishizer. In discussions with Lee Constantine, aptly named, Head of Author Success, he offered a suggestion about targeting the book to young entrepreneurs as well as established CEOs. Right on target! Conversations with Lee Constantine are give-and-take coaching sessions. He’s very helpful and insightful.

The publishing world has hassles and barriers to entry even for a returning best-selling author. I have a solid track record of writing and selling books. The On-Purpose Person and The On-Purpose Business Person have US sales of 300,000 and 30,000 respectively.  Both have multiple foreign translations. In April 2012, The On-Purpose Person was #1 Kindle free, non-fiction download.

Before proceeding, I researched the Publishizer platform. Because I’ve done the traditional publisher dance before, I know the challenges of book proposals and promotions. Every publisher has its book proposal nuances. It is like applying to colleges before the common application was available.  Publishizer gives authors the chance to pitch many publishers with one proposal. That alone is a massive time saver.

A publishing partner

I recognized this unique book crowdsourcing platform as being a sound process true to what publishers want.  I know how to affordably self-publish and distribute; but with a big message I need a vested publishing partner to co-create a better experience.  That possibility also attracted me to

When publishers come calling, the businessman in me knows that preorders place me in a better negotiating position. My worst case is I self-publish but have the financial backing for production and promotional investment.  Plus I have readers ready to tell the world about what they did to help launch this book. That’s fun for all of us!

Where’s the downside relative to my time and talent investment?  I’m passionate about Chief Leadership Officers displacing Chief Executive Officers in the years to come. In the challenging world of publishing this is about as good as it gets for the non-celebrity or first time authors.

Now armed with a new book direction for Chief Leadership Officer, an efficient platform to produce a proposal and query multiple publishers, and my writing mojo flowing, I set up a campaign for Chief Leadership Officer:

June 1, I launched. Now I'm in the midst of the campaign. Stay tune! The CLO business renaissance has begun.

Oh, yes, please preorder a book today at!

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Management & Leadership

$8,136.00 raised
€6,672.00 raised
123% of goal
617 preorders
123% of goal