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Publishizer Industry Expert Feature 

Shonda Ramsey 

by Sean Colligan

Most of us know not to judge a book by its cover, but what about its author? Not only do readers get an impression from a book’s design and layout, but also from the brand and image of the author promoting it. Few know this better than Shonda Ramsey, founder & CEO of Oh So Shonda designs and host of the Dear Indie Author podcast, and its why she started her own business to help authors put their best self forward.


A marketing veteran and longtime graphic designer, Ramsey’s eye for design was honed from childhood. She calls herself a “3rd-generation creative”: her grandfather was a print press operator who talked about the importance of meticulous layouts, her mother worked in digital printing and inspired creativity from a young age, and both her parents ran a woodworking business together, demonstrating, as Ramsey describes, “how to be a creative and an entrepreneur simultaneously.”


After a lengthy stint in the corporate marketing world, Ramsey found herself drawn not just to book layout and design, but writing and publishing as a whole.


“I started researching the ins-and-outs of publishing because I was wanting to write a book myself. That pushed me into this wonderful world; I love working with authors. I started with designing book covers and doing the interior formatting. I was already doing that with marketing brochures, magazine spreads, so it was an easy thing to transition to. Once I got into it, it just fully hooked me in and now I can’t stop.”


Through her branding and design strategies, Ramsey has helped authors like Tami Kennimer Gray (whose upcoming Christian living book Fearlessly Unbecoming: Discovering Your Unique God Designed Rhythm is at the top of Ramsey’s list when it releases later this year) express their truest selves. She’s proud to have done work like this for others, but there’s one project she’s particularly proud of: her own upcoming book, Authentically Anchored: Finding Joy in the Life You’ve Never Imagined Through God’s Grace, available for pre-order & releasing on July 30.


“I’m really good at helping other people find their voice for their own books, but I always struggle with doing that for myself, so it was a huge challenge for me. It was probably both the hardest and most rewarding project I’ve worked on, just because I was so close to it, but it also made me a better designer.”


Ramsey wants to provide the same sense of accomplishment for every author she works with. For authors looking for guidance, she offers this golden piece of wisdom:


“Show up authentically. It’s very hard to do that sometimes, especially as new authors who are just getting started. You don’t really know who you are yet as an author. You know what your book is and what you’re presenting for your book, but who are you as the author? I want to encourage authors to own who they are and show up authentically for their audience.”

Most of us know not to judge a book by its cover, but what about its author? Not only do readers get an impression from a book’s design and layout, but also from the brand and image of the author promoting it. Few know this better than Shonda Ramsey, founder & CEO of Oh, So Shonda designs and host of the Dear Indie Author podcast, and its why she started her own business to help authors put their best self forward.


A marketing veteran and longtime graphic designer, Ramsey’s eye for design was honed from childhood. She calls herself a “3rd-generation creative”: her grandfather was a print press operator who talked about the importance of meticulous layouts, her mother worked in digital printing and inspired creativity from a young age, and both her parents ran a woodworking business together, demonstrating, as Ramsey describes, “how to be a creative and an entrepreneur simultaneously.”


After a lengthy stint in the corporate marketing world, Ramsey found herself drawn not just to book layout and design, but writing and publishing as a whole.


“I started researching the ins-and-outs of publishing because I was wanting to write a book myself. That pushed me into this wonderful world; I love working with authors. I started with designing book covers and doing the interior formatting. I was already doing that with marketing brochures, magazine spreads, so it was an easy thing to transition to. Once I got into it, it just fully hooked me in and now I can’t stop.”


Through her branding and design strategies, Ramsey has helped authors like Tami Kennimer Gray (whose upcoming Christian living book Fearlessly Unbecoming: Discovering Your Unique God Designed Rhythm is at the top of Ramsey’s list when it releases later this year) express their truest selves. She’s proud to have done work like this for others, but there’s one project she’s particularly proud of: her own book, Authentically Anchored: Finding Joy in the Life You’ve Never Imagined Through God’s Grace.


“I’m really good at helping other people find their voice for their own books, but I always struggle with doing that for myself, so it was a huge challenge for me. It was probably both the hardest and most rewarding project I’ve worked on, just because I was so close to it, but it also made me a better designer.”


Ramsey wants to provide the same sense of accomplishment for every author she works with. For authors looking for guidance, she offers this golden piece of wisdom:


“Show up authentically. It’s very hard to do that sometimes, especially as new authors who are just getting started. You don’t really know who you are yet as an author. You know what your book is and what you’re presenting for your book, but who are you as the author? I want to encourage authors to own who they are and show up authentically for their audience.”



Shonda graciously participated in the Publishizer Expert Conversation Series, offering a ton of pratcial branding and design content! A must watch for anyone who strives to be authentic in their branding. Claim the training here

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