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Body Mind Business

Ed Harrold

Maximize the psychology of peak performance and organizational results by optimizing your breath to strengthen heart/brain coherence

Executives are adopting multi-disciplinary approaches to become more productive and effective under pressure. Maximize the psychology of peak performance and organizational results by optimizing your breath to strengthen heart/brain coherence.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   200 words   25% complete   13 publishers interested
67 preorders
$1,451.00 funded



Today’s executive is moving through life at such a rapid unconscious fast face with distractions, commitments, deadlines and pressures that leave us feeling as if we can’t keep up. In fact, one might say, feeling out of breath!

This hurried state-of-being has turned on a part of our physiology that was designed for emergencies only; the Stress response. For many, this system has been running for so long, it won’t turn off. It’s been trained to run on auto-pilot exhibiting a type of implicit memory that organizes perception, feelings, and behavior in a patterned response based in survival. Not only is this problematic for the individual themselves, management stress is often transferred to the employees by their own high-tension state of being. Quite simply, it's contagious!

Today’s research reveals that the pattern of our heart rhythm reflects the state of our emotions and nervous system function. The heart, brain and nervous system all take their cues from our breathing patterns. One of the first things we do when thoughts and feelings become negative is compromise our breathing and inhibit the connection (or coherence) between the mind and body.

In BodyMindBusiness, we’re going to learn how to live in a “body OVER mind” environment biohacking the body’s natural gifts into a state of coherence to overpower the monkey mind that’s too often running the show. Coherence is associated with cognitive and emotional function as well as self-regulation. Coherence is reliant on a strong Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS).

• Learn how to build resilience by strengthening the Parasympathetic Nervous System by improving the length, depth and pace of our NASAL breathing rates and patterns.
• Energy Management: Learn how to apply breathing strategies throughout various times of the day to strengthen complete coherence between the heart and brain.
• The Zone: Learn how to apply techniques to work in “flow” states
• Cognitive Training to identify and transform thought patterns leading to unhealthy emotional responses and behaviors
• Emotional Intelligence training (feeling) to maximize the psychology (thinking) of peak performance and organizational results (action)

In my first book, Life With Breath IQ + EQ = NEW YOU, I reveal the art, science and application of therapeutic mindful breathing for healthy living. Life With Breath is a journey in discovering the mind-body relationship that is linked through breath and how this serves as a basis for reducing stress, improving health and well-being, building resilience, AND transforming negative habitual patterns of behavior. It's now time to provide a practical guide for implementing the breath into our professional lives. In BodyMindBusiness, we learn how to use breath as our medicine to self-activate the qualities of the Parasympathetic Nervous System building a resilient executive optimizing wellness and performance into profitability.

Sales arguments

  • The biggest source of stress at work is one's boss. 35% cited this in the recent survey "Workplace Stress Continues To Mount".
  • Job stress is estimated to cost American companies more than $300 billion/year in health costs, absenteeism and poor performance
  • Neuroscience has been revealing studies on the positive effects of therapeutic breathing in cognition, EI & behavior change.
  • Breathwork strategies are a tool for bio-hacking flow states. Operating in flow increases creative performance by 500% to 700%.

Similar titles

  • Breathe To Succeed: Increase Workplace Productivity, Creativity, and Clarity through the Power of Mindfulness by Sandy Abrams
  • Mindfulness: An Eight Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark Williams & Danny Penman


BodyMindBusiness is designed for anyone who works in high stress environments.

Advance praise

"Ed learnings have been crucial for my professional well-being. As HR professional I have been exposed to multiple leadership philosophies and practices, but none have connected the individual’s well-being with the outcome of the leadership practice. Ed’s holistic approach increased my level of awareness, and is helping me to manage stress and communication effectively. I can see higher concentration and performance levels. Ed will guide you and provide the tools, but will be on you to execute it." Oswaldo Lopez, Global Human Resources, RiceTec Inc.

Ed Harrold

About the author

Ed’s mastery in the science of mindful breathing has guided him to apply conscious breathing practices in corporate performance coaching, fitness & athletic training, healthcare trainings, stress reduction and overall health and well-being. Ed is the Author of Life With Breath IQ + EQ = NEW YOU.

Today, Ed blends the fields of neuroscience and the wisdom of contemplative traditions into effective strategies to improve well-being in Corporate America, Healthcare, athletic performance and individual health. Ed’s fluency in mindfulness-based strategies combined with the belief in the human potential gives him the depth and understanding to meet individuals and group needs across industries and platforms.

Ed is a contributing health & wellness editor for Huffingtpost, Thrive Global, MindBodyGreen & PTOnTheNet. Ed’s Breath AS Medicine Training offers CE in the healthcare, wellness coaching, fitness & athletic training sectors. Ed is a Faculty Member of the Medical Wellness Association.

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Meyer & Meyer Sport

500 copies • Partial manuscript • Looking for topics that support amateur sports enthusiasts, coaches, elite athletes, PE teachers, sports scientists, and sports medics.
Meyer & Meyer Sport was founded in 1984 and is widely acknowledged to be among the elite of sport publishers worldwide. Since then the company has grown to be the biggest sports publishing house worldwide while ensuring quality remained the best possible. The company's prime objective is to provide ideas and practical guidance to sport and leisure activities that will improve the reader's performance, enjoyment and will raise the quality of life. Topics are aimed at many different age groups, ranging from children and adolescents to adults and seniors.

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Traditional publisher Australia, United Kingdom, United States 13 categories
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Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc.

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Atlantic Publishing has been providing millions of readers information to jumpstart their careers, start businesses, manage employees, invest, plan for retirement, learn technologies, build relationships, and live rewarding, fulfilling lives. Our award-winning authors and publication staff strive to make our products the best and most up-to-date available. We go further than most publishers to get our customers the best products.

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Blooming Twig

500 copies • Complete manuscript.
Blooming Twig is an award-winning boutique publishing house, media company, and thought leadership marketing agency. Based in New York City and Tulsa, we have represented and re-branded hundreds of thought leaders, published more than 400 titles in all genres, and built up a like-minded following for authors, speakers, trainers, and organizations with our bleeding-edge marketing strategies. Blooming Twig is about giving the people with something to say (“thought leaders”) a platform, walking its clients up to their own influencer pulpit, and making sure there is a like-minded crowd assembled to hear the meaningful message.

Hybrid publisher Worldwide 21 categories
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Boyle & Dalton

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Boyle & Dalton was founded in 2014 and publishes works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. The world of publishing is changing, we're changing with it. Our founder Brad Pauquette, conceptualized a hybrid model that balances the financial and rights model of self-publishing with the quality controls and production excellence of a traditional publisher. Our designers and editors produce exceptional books that are distributed in both print and digital formats to all major retailers, including and Boyle & Dalton carefully consider all submissions for publication, based on manuscript quality. We do not accept erotica or children's books.

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Something or Other Publishing

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
SOOP is a small virtual publishing company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, with a core team based in the US and additional contractors around the world. SOOP currently focuses on curating a small number of volumes for publication each year to enable its team to dedicate a great deal of time to working with its authors directly - not just on the manuscript, but also on platform-building and promotion.

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1106 Design, LLC

Dear Author,

You worked hard to write your manuscript, and you know that expert assistance is needed to ready it for the market. But perhaps you didn’t realize that working with a publisher is no longer necessary—especially publishers who charge fees to produce your book upfront and "share" more of your revenue whenever a book is sold.

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We understand that your book is not just a passion project but also a potential source of income. No two books or authors are alike. That's why we'll customize a package of services tailored to your needs at affordable prices, starting at $5,555. And here's the best part: after this one-time investment, every penny of revenue from book sales is deposited directly to your bank account, never to ours first.

If this sounds like a better way to publish your book, I invite you to browse our services, design samples, no-surprises pricing, outstanding customer reviews, and educational articles at You can download a free PDF of my book, "Publish Like the Pros: A Brief Guide to Quality Self-Publishing and an Insider's Look at a Misunderstood Industry," and request a free, no-obligation consultation.

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How can we serve you today?

Michele DeFilippo, owner

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Atmosphere Press

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Atmosphere Press is an independent publisher dedicated to author rights. We publish in all genres and have an exceptional editorial, design, and promotional staff. We stand for Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, and Kindness. We want our authors and their readers to be blown away when they first hold that book in their hands. It needs to look good inside and out, and feel good to the touch. And, of course, the words need to be top-notch, and our editors are devoted to making that the case.

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Authors Unite

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Authors Unite helps you become a profitable author and make an impact. We take care of printing and distribution through major online retailers, developmental editing, and proofreading with unlimited revisions. We take care of the entire process for you from book cover design all the way to set up your backend so all your book royalties go straight to your bank account. We can also help with ghostwriting if you prefer not to have to figure out all the steps on how to write a book yourself.

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View case studies here:

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100 copies • Partial manuscript.
Bookmobile provides book printing, graphic design, and other resources to support book publishers in an ever-changing environment. Superior quality, excellent customer service, flexibility, and timely turnarounds have attracted nearly 1,000 satisfied clients to Bookmobile, including trade houses, university presses, independent publishers, museums, galleries, artists, and more. In addition, we manage eBook conversions and produce galleys, and regularly provide short-run reprints of 750 copies or fewer for major publishers such as Graywolf Press.

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Bright Communications LLC

Looking for all types of books, including fiction, children's books, health, memoir, business books, and cookbooks
Bright Communications LLC is a woman- and veteran-owned custom publisher in Hellertown, PA. Founding CEO Jennifer Bright is a Book Doula, whose passion is helping authors bring their books to life. Our team of expert editorial, design, and marketing pros help authors go from idea to completed books and retain 100% of the rights to their work. We also offer four custom publishing packages and a $1900 self-publishing assist program.

Service publisher United States, Canada, United Kingdom 60 categories
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100 copies • Completed manuscript.
eBooks2go, Inc. was founded in 2011 to provide the missing link for all your publishing needs. Our end-to-end solutions provide the guidance and support that enable publishers and independent authors to pursue their passions. To date, we have helped more than 1,000 authors and 250 publishers worldwide. We offer an array of simple and affordable solutions to assist self-publishing authors at every stage of the book publishing process. Our comprehensive service offering includes editing, print and eBook production, book marketing, cover designs, ISBN registration, and even website designs. We are a single source for all of your publishing needs.

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Happy Self Publishing

100 copies • Completed manuscript.
Happy Self Publishing has helped 500+ authors to get their books self-published, hit the #1 position in the Amazon bestseller charts, and also establish their author website & brand to grow their business. And the best thing is, we do all this without taking away your rights and royalties. Let's schedule a call to discuss the next steps in your book project:

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Momosa Publishing LLC

Looking for health, parenting, inspiration, and children's books.
Momosa Publishing LLC is a woman- and veteran-owned custom publisher in Hellertown, PA. Founder and CEO Jennifer Bright is a Book Doula, whose passion is helping authors bring their books to life. We are an efficient, effective, excellent team of editorial, design, and marketing pros.

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  • Update #1 - On The Air August 8th Aug. 2, 2019

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    Thanks for your support of BodyMindBusiness.  I wanted to share I'll be on the Air on August 8th talking about the book.  You can …

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Early Bird Special

22 readers

1 copy of the autographed copy of the book “BodyMindBusiness” + e-vite to private 1 hr coaching webinar where I’ll be talking about the book and answering all your questions (free shipping)


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You AND A Friend

5 readers

2 copies of the autographed copy of the book “BodyMindBusiness” + e-vite to private 1 hr coaching webinar where I’ll be talking about the book and answering all your questions (free shipping)


  • 1 digital copy
  • 2 physical copies
Free shipping 45 of 50 left



2 readers

Get EdTv for 1 Year + 5 copies of the autographed book “BodyMindBusiness”. EdTv is a subscription service giving you access to hundreds of videos on living your "life with breath".  My collection of breath-work videos covers everything from educational videos to experiential videos on techniques to use at work, for exercise, for various health conditions including sleep, heart health, stress and much more. ($150 Value)


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Small Business Pkg

1 reader

Enjoy a 1 hour Webinar for your employees. You pick the leadership and/or management topic AND I’ll give your employees the BodyMindBusiness tools to overcome the perceived obstacle + 25 copies of the autographed book “BodyMindBusiness” ($500 value)


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Double Stake It Retreat

0 readers

Unplug to plug back in. Based on the philosophy in my book, “Life With Breath”, we’ll experience the unique blend of hiking with breathwork, mindfulness and the great outdoors.

The retreat is specifically designed to improve executive function and emotional intelligence thereby improving our overall health and performance.

Join me this September to discover your "life with breath” and take it back into your business! + 45 copies of the autographed book “BodyMindBusiness ($350 value)


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8 Hrs Private Coaching

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No matter whether you're running the company or running a department, it's an endurance event.  Endurance relies on resilience.  Resilience relies on lower heart rates, increased heart rate variability and burning fat as fuel.  The 1st rule of thumb is understanding how you’re using your energy physically, mentally and emotionally.

Together, we’ll strengthen heart/brain coherence aligning purpose and behavior into organizational results. + 100 copies of the autographed book “BodyMindBusiness” ($550 value)


  • 1 digital copy
  • 100 physical copies
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BIG Business Pkg

0 readers

Host your own BodyMindBusiness event for your management team. This 3 hour event is an educational and experiential workshop providing your team with tips and strategies to perform at high levels without compromising health OR performance + 100 copies of the autographed book “BodyMindBusiness” ($2,500 Value)


  • 1 digital copy
  • 100 physical copies
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Private BodyMindBusiness Retreat

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Immerse yourself in a private 3 ½ day retreat. Learn how to access flow states through breath training and mindfulness-based strategies.

As we explore our individual and organizational perceived strengths and weaknesses, we develop solutions to maximize the psychology of peak performance and organizational results. +150 copies of the autographed book “BodyMindBusiness” ($2,100 value)


  • 1 digital copy
  • 150 physical copies
Free shipping 3 of 3 left


Early Sponsor Special

0 readers

200 copies of the autographed copy of the book “BodyMindBusiness” + e-vite to private 1 hr coaching webinar where I’ll be talking about the book and answering all your questions (free shipping)


  • 1 digital copy
  • 200 physical copies
Free shipping 4 of 4 left


Speaking Engagement

0 readers

Host a 1-Day BodyMindBusiness Event. You pick the leadership and/or management topic and I’ll lead an educational and experiential workshop providing you and your team with tips and strategies to perform at high levels without compromising health OR performance + 250 copies of the autographed book “BodyMindBusiness” (3,500 value)


  • 1 digital copy
  • 250 physical copies
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