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Tra Williams

Tra Williams

Florida, United States

Tra is a speaker, author, entrepreneur, and nationally recognized expert in entrepreneurship and small business strategy. He has guided thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs out of traditional employment.

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About the author

Tra Williams is a speaker, entrepreneur, and nationally recognized expert in entrepreneurship and small business strategy. During his 25-year career, he has sat at the helm of two international brands and has guided thousands of entrepreneurs on their journey to self-employment.

Tra has been featured or quoted in dozens of publications, including Forbes, Bloomberg, and Franchise Times. He has made it his mission to rescue 1 million entrepreneurs from traditional employment and reverse the decline of American Entrepreneurship.

When not running one of his businesses, speaking, or writing about entrepreneurship, Tra lobbies to protect small businesses in Washington D.C. He lives and works out of his home office in sunny St. Augustine, Florida.
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Success! Boss Brain has already sold 2009 pre-orders , was pitched to 14 publishers , and will be published by Sunbury Press .
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$25 Boss Brain Facebook Bonus

63 readers

When you pre-purchase 1 copy of Boss Brain, you will be admitted to the Boss Brain Facebook Group (BossBrainRevolution). In this group, you and other readers and Entrepreneurs can interact directly with the Author to discuss the science, struggles, and rewards of entrepreneurship.

1 copy

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$50 50% Discount to Boss Brain University

13 readers

When you pre-purchase 2 copies or more of Boss Brain:

1) You will receive a 50% discount to Boss Brain University for 2 people months before it will be made available to the public. Boss Brain University is an 30-day online curriculum designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who feel trapped in traditional employment and want to break free. You were born to be an were taught to be an employee. This exclusive bonus program helps you 'unlearn' the employee mindset and unlocks your hardwired entrepreneurial instincts.

2 copies

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$125 Author Signed Copies

11 readers

When you pre-purchase 5 copies or more of Boss Brain:

1) The author will sign the inside cover of your books prior to shipment.

2) You will also be entitled to a 50% discount to Boss Brian University access for 5 people months before it will be made available to the public.

5 copies

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$250 Zoom Meeting with the Author

4 readers

When you pre-purchase 10 copies or more of Boss Brain:

1) The author will join you and an unlimited number of guests via Zoom for 30 minutes to discuss the book and the theories presented within.

This is the perfect opportunity to have the Author speak directly with and field questions from your book club, classroom, employee workshop, company retreat, franchise development team meeting or Chamber event.

2) The author will also sign the inside cover of your books prior to shipment.

3) You will also receive a 50% discount to Boss Brain University for 10 people months before it will be made available to the public.

10 copies

Free shipping

46 of 50 left

$625 You or your business listed on the Special Thanks page

5 readers

When you pre-purchase 25 copies or more of Boss Brain:

1)You or you business will be mentioned on the Special Thanks section of the printed and e-version of Boss Brain. This an inexpensive and easy way to bring brand awareness for your business or website to potential customers all across the nation.

2) The author will also sign the inside cover of your books prior to shipment.

3) You will also be entitled to a 50% discount to Boss Brian University for 25 people months before it will be made available to the public.

4)The author will also join you and an unlimited number of guests via Zoom for 30 minutes to discuss the book and the theories presented within.

25 copies

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7 of 12 left

$1250 Standard Deviations Bonus: 4 1-on-1 Entrepreneurship Coaching Sessions

2 readers

As mentioned on Dr. Daniel Crosby's Podcast 'Standard Deviations', but available to anyone:

When you pre-purchase 50 copies of Boss Brain:

1) You will receive 4 1-on-1 Entrepreneurship Coaching Sessions for you, your clients, or your team. If you or someone you know has struggled to gain momentum with a business idea, here is your offer!

Advisors, this is a great way to support your entrepreneurial clients.

These 4 one-hour, coaching sessions are an incredible value. You will connect with the Author via Zoom to discuss the barriers that stand between you and self-employment...just you and the Author. Every Entrepreneur is different; this bonus gives you the chance to work through your own unique challenges with Tra coaching you the whole way.

2) You or you business will be mentioned on the Special Thanks section of the printed and e-version of Boss Brain. This an inexpensive and easy way to bring brand awareness for your business or website to potential customers all across the nation.

3) The author will also sign the inside cover of your books prior to shipment.

4) You will also be entitled to a 50% discount to Boss Brian University for 50 people months before it will be made available to the public.

5) The author will also join you and an unlimited number of guests via Zoom for 30 minutes to discuss the book and the theories presented within.

50 copies

Free shipping

18 of 20 left

$2500 Keynote at Your Conference or Event

6 readers

When you pre-purchase 100 copies of Boss Brain:

1) The Author will give a 45 minute in-person keynote speech at your event or Conference free of charge and will be available to engage directly with your attendees afterward.

2) You or you business will be mentioned on the Special Thanks page of the printed and e-version of Boss Brain. This an inexpensive and easy way to bring brand awareness for your business or website to potential customers all across the nation.

3) The author will also sign the inside cover of your books prior to shipment.

4) You will also be entitled to a 50% discount to Boss Brian University for 100 people months before it will be made available to the public.

5) The author will also join you and an unlimited number of guests via Zoom for 30 minutes to discuss the book and the theories presented within.

100 copies

Free shipping

4 of 10 left

$12500 Multi-Year, Multi-Phase Growth Strategy Session

2 readers

Please contact Tra and to discuss your bonuses for purchasing 500 copies of Boss Brain.

500 copies

Free shipping

2 of 4 left

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Update #2 - Boss Brian hits 1000! April 13, 2021

To my Boss Brain supporters and to those who have pre-ordered, I'd like to first say thank you. I have been overwhelmed by the support of so many...some of whom I've not seen in years. 

I am grateful beyond measure.

We blew Publishizer's 30-day goal of 500 out of the water. 

Today we hit 1000 with 19 days left! 

However, as an unapologetic over-achiever, I set a personal goal of 2000.  
If you know someone who embodies America's Entrepreneurial Spirit, but hasn't been able to covert that inner calling into action, please encourage them to go to and pre-order their copies. The bonuses offered during this campaign will not be made available to the general public. 

Also, I want to know more about you and why you are supporting this project. Please stop by my website and connect with me on social media. Most importantly, requests access to the Boss Brian Revolution Facebook Group which you earned with your pre-order. There you can join the discussion with other like-minded, current and aspiring entrepreneurs. 
I'll be back in touch when we hit 1500!!
