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Building Your Digital Net Worth

Jan Wong

A Day-to-Day Purpose Driven Guide to Increase Your Digital Net Worth

Our digital activity defines who are are and has the ability to shape our future, impacting our lives, career and relationships. Building Your Digital Net Worth teaches how to increase the appeal of our digital profiles to meet our objectives on a practical, no nonsense, day-by-day basis.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   35,000 words   100% complete   5 publishers interested
91 preorders
$1,985.00 funded


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Update #3 - IT IS FINALLY READY June 4, 2021

You heard that right! 

After all the sweat, blood and tears, I finally managed to sort everything out and have the printed books IN. MY. HANDS! 

That said, I would like to confirm your delivery address for your orders and it would be helpful if you can fill up this form:

Once I receive everyone's (or most of everyone) confirmed address, I'll ship the books out at one go after having them signed.

Once again, thank you so much for your patience in this rollercoaster journey of mine. I surely did not expect it to be so challenging. 

Hope to finally have it placed into your hands soon!


Jan Wong