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Cats Are Trash Human Beings

Majella Mark

What I Learned About Feminism Through My Cats

Cats Are Trash Human Beings is a quirky and progressive adult pop-up book to spark conversation and have a few laughs. As much as we adore the videos, Instagram filters, and Halloween costumes, these cute, sassy felines could actually teach us a thing or two about feminism.

  Society & Culture   10,000 words   75% complete   Published by Atmosphere Press
61 preorders
$1,395.00 funded



Intersectionality is a term coined thirty years ago by Kimberlé Crenshaw, meant to speak for human beings based on their vulnerabilities not their identities. Today over 50% of US women identify as feminists, but that badge of honor represents something distinct for different women (cis or trans), men (cis or trans), intersex and non-binary people. Black women still make $0.62 to White women’s $0.79 in the US. Transgender people live at a poverty rate of 29% compared to the national average of 12%. Gender rights are complex and layered. Trying to comprehend it all can be overwhelming.

Feminism in particular has become a triggering subject for all genders and creating a book that can bring some perspective using the fun analogy of cat behavior is a great way to ease people into having the necessary discussions about gender equality and overall women’s rights. The book has sections such as ‘A Cat in Gloves Catches No Mice’, which speaks on unapologetic aggression towards justice, while the section ‘This Pussy Grabs Back’ speaks about the evolution of consent and how many in numbers now have the unison voice to speak up.

With the experience conducting social justice workshops, becoming a birth doula and working with numerous human equity groups, writing a fun book about feminism was an obvious next step for Majella along with illustrator Kevena Hammond. This book is for the feminists desiring creative ways to bring inclusivity, the parents who need guidance on starting the conversation with their families, the cat lovers who want to engage different people in a space of understanding and the casual readers who want something to scroll through while relaxing. This book is fun, informative, and unapologetic, focused on constructing opportunities for interconnectivity.

Majella has spent years creating comfortable spaces for uncomfortable discussions using humor and creativity. Writing the book “Cats Are Trash Human Beings” is a way to sum up the knowledge learned and express appreciation for those who contributed to the movement. You’ll get some herstory lessons, amusing illustrations and a good laugh.

Sales arguments

  • During the pandemic the world got a chance to see the distinctive disadvantages of cis gender women of color, trans women, non-binary and many other marginalized groups. The case of Breonna Taylor’s unfortunate death is still dividing people in the US. The announcement of free feminine products available for all in Scotland have others questioning their hygienic rights around the world. There are many human rights issues that need to be addressed but also understood. This book can help do that.
  • Majella Mark has spent years developing workshops and curriculum dedicated to creating space for people to have difficult discussions on many social justice issues including gender rights, building a following of over 4,000 across her social media platforms and gaining a lot of support within her community.
  • A community has been expanded to include health professionals, feminists, artists, political decision makers, writers and academics. She has a network of hundreds who also dedicate their lives to making the world a better place through philanthropy, grassroots work, artistry or politics. This book will be advocated by individuals who believe in the message.
  • The past decade has shown us that our complex world needs to be confronted in a sensitive way that engages many different perspectives. This is a fun book that helps people engage in deep conversations about social justice and feminism in a creative way.
  • Understanding feminism and specifically intersectionality is daunting for someone just getting into the subject. This book is a visual tool to help readers better understand the definition of intersectionality and overall human rights. Feminists, non feminists and cat lovers can look at the idea of gender equality in a non-intimidating, concise manner.

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Anyone who love cats or at least think they’re okay. Anyone who love feminists or at least think they’re okay. Anyone who love pop up picture books. Anyone who need to escape adulting for a while. Lovers of coffee table books on progressive subjects. Anyone who needs a cute book to make their living room that much more Instagramable.

Majella Mark

About the author

Majella Mark is a native Connecticut resident born to immigrant parents who came to the United States as artists from the Caribbean island, Grenada. She is a writer with published articles including "Is It Time For The Black Community To Greenbook The Art Industry?", "What my silence in the deaf community taught me about directness and honesty." and "I Didn’t Know Mommy Shaming Could Lead To Abortion."

She has conducted numerous workshops including ‘The Wakanda Workshop’ to address racial inequalities using Marvel's ‘Black Panther’ film as a reference point and inspiration from a Judy Chicago art piece for the workshop, ‘Pvssy Plate Painting Party’ to address gender inequalities and the objectification of the female body. Along with her sister she created a limited podcast series called “Met God, She’s Black” that created space for women to share their stories about sensitive subjects such as suicide, abortions, infertility, alcoholism among other things. She is also a certified doula, volunteer researcher for Womanly Magazine and hosts for the annual meditation gathering called ‘Black Women’s Day of Meditation’. Yeah, she’s a feminist.

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  • Elba Caraballo
    on Jan. 19, 2021, 3:47 a.m.

    I look forward to it. It sounds intriguing. Besides-- Your aunt Christiana is one of my favorite people.

    I wish you the best with this effort.

  • Janelle Stafford
    on Jan. 19, 2021, 12:44 p.m.

    Congrats, Majella! I love how you share your ideas in creative ways to make community! Even though I don't have a cat, I know I'll enjoy this.

    • Majella Mark
      on Feb. 14, 2021, 4:51 p.m.

      Thank you SIS! This book is great for those who dislike or are allergic to cats, no worries.

  • Andrea Walters
    on Jan. 25, 2021, 2:21 p.m.

    Hi Majella,
    Looking forward to receiving your latest literary work of art. Hope and trust you are well and happy during these challenging times.
    Take care,

    • Majella Mark
      on Feb. 14, 2021, 4:55 p.m.

      Thank you for the support! I feel blessed and hope you do too!

    on Jan. 28, 2021, 1:41 p.m.

    I'm hype to see what you do next. Looks like a Great read keep it going. You get all the smoke for this one.

  • Deidre Walker
    on Jan. 30, 2021, 3:03 a.m.

    I'm proud of you Jells and very lucky to know and rock with you. CONGRATULATIONS my sister, friend, cousin. 💚💃🏿💛

  • Selena Thomas
    on Feb. 2, 2021, 1:26 a.m.

    So proud of you! Keep sharing your wonderfully, creative self with the world!

    • Majella Mark
      on Feb. 14, 2021, 4:59 p.m.

      Thank you! Keep being my person cause I need you to keep me sane and convinced my ideas aren't crazy.

  • Esther Obanero-Ogedengbe
    on Feb. 8, 2021, 12:57 a.m.

    I am so proud of you and praying that this project is successful. Miss you much and wishing you greatness this year and the years ahead.

    • Majella Mark
      on Feb. 14, 2021, 5:07 p.m.

      thank you and miss you too! I hope this blood, sweat and tears lead to sometime. Thank you for the support and I wish nothing but blessings to you and yours.

  • Love Vieira
    on Feb. 10, 2021, 6:55 p.m.

    Congratulations on your book! I can't wait to get my copy! =)

  • Jaclyn Mishal
    on Feb. 12, 2021, 4:48 p.m.

    Congrats, Majella! You are such an inspiration. Can't wait to read the book!

    • Majella Mark
      on Feb. 14, 2021, 4:56 p.m.

      OMG Thank you for beings sooooo supportive. You are truly a guiding light!

  • t s
    on Feb. 13, 2021, 5:10 p.m.

    Appreciate you doing this. I wish you all the best. T



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Ten pre-order copies of the book with signatures from the author

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- Ten copies of the book signed by Majella Mark
- Free eBook
- Hour workshop hosted by Majella Mark via Zoom (The MasterPiece Exercise)
- Zoom book launch party
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Twenty pre-order copies of the book with signatures from the author

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- Twenty copies of the book signed by Majella Mark
- Free eBook
- Hour workshop hosted by Majella Mark via Zoom (The MasterPiece Exercise or the Body Hair Day Workshop)
- Zoom book launch party
- Poster summarizing the different components of the book
A “Cats Are Trash Human Beings” tote bag
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- Listed in the book as a supporter


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150 pre-order copies of the book with signatures from the author

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- Free eBook
- Two hour workshop hosted by Majella Mark via Zoom (Options are the Pvssy Plate Painting Party, The MasterPiece Exercise or the Body Hair Day Workshop)
- Zoom book launch party
- A personal thank you note
- Poster summarizing the different components of the book
- Two “Cats Are Trash Human Beings” tote bags
- Shout out on Twitter
- Listed in the book as a supporter


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