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Chief Leadership Officer

Kevin W. McCarthy

The Emergence of A New Class of Business Leader

Embark on a hero’s journey from Chief Executive Officer-to-Chief Leadership Officer. This easy-reading story walks you into the future of business leadership. Learn the CLO precepts and practices to embrace the promise of being an authentic business leader. Regardless of whether you're an entrepreneur or CEO, you'll want to be a part of this truly profit-making business renaissance.

  Business & Money    Leadership   40,000 words   50% complete   5 publishers interested
379 preorders
$13,565.00 funded


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Update #13 - Second Manuscript Update is Complete Jan. 14, 2017

Yesterday morning (January 14, 2017) I finished the re-write of my first draft.  Whew!

There's a reason I go back and re-read and re-write the first draft. The opening chapters of the book were rock solid. Then I hit a rough patch where wordiness seeped into the chapters.  I've given these chapters a serious thinning out by really thinking through what's most important to the audience. Admittedly, it is so hard "to kill my little darlings," my words so carefully chosen and precisely crafted to inform and delight.

Then, it is like the NFL replay review. "Upon further review, the writing in that chapter is disrupting  and disturbing the flow of the story."

The great news from this version is that I've really nailed the ending of the book. As much as I'm writing to introduce the Chief Leadership Officer™ body of thought and movement, I'm also a storyteller. Admittedly, I didn't have an ending to the book when I began the writing process. I had content, methods, and models and I had to create a plausible story line, but no ending appeared. The majesty of writing, however, is that these stories have a way of unfolding and bringing themselves to a close.

Next steps: I'm sending the manuscript to readers with the assignment to give brutally honest feedback about my remaining "little darlings." Hopefully, this will lead to one last re-write and then into the production process. Let me know if you would like to be a killer!

Thank you for your continued patience and support. Your faith and investment in this book will pay off in the long run. Chief Leadership Officer is more than a book. It is a movement, a reformation of business, and a new way to lead a business grounded on principles too long buried under the rubble of profit-taking instead of the bedrock of profit-making.

Keep Increasing Wealth!

PS: Do you like the new cover? We're still working on the cover but this one is emerging as the most representative of what the message is all about.