The Emergence of A New Class of Business Leader
Embark on a hero’s journey from Chief Executive Officer-to-Chief Leadership Officer. This easy-reading story walks you into the future of business leadership. Learn the CLO precepts and practices to embrace the promise of being an authentic business leader. Regardless of whether you're an entrepreneur or CEO, you'll want to be a part of this truly profit-making business renaissance.
Thank you yet again for your encouragement and trust by investing in the creation of Chief Leadership Officer. What a blessing it has been to know that funds are there for production and marketing. So here's the time line:
Mid-May 2017
You will receive your pre-order. We're doing a limited run, softcover Angel Investors Edition. Books will be personalized and signed.
Between now and the official launch date we're building the CLO™ infrastructure and proprietary intellectual property that includes: downloadable free content, web sites, models, maps, marketing, PR, collateral, speeches, and such. We're looking at special events and the possibility of a CLO podcast. We're developing a website called, The Foundry for Leaders. This is the meeting place and membership-based community for CEOs to become CLOs and for CLOs to share best practices. Related parties such as c-suite executives, business owners of all sizes, consultants, b-school professors, students, and journalists will also be members.
Lot of "seeds" will be planted over the summer months. We'll be selectively sharing the book with key business leaders. Your introductions are appreciated. In addition, we're ramping up our consulting delivery and related training and development programs. CLO borrows heavily from On-Purpose® but much of that will need to be updated. We're revamping our licensing and training of trainers as well.
Hey, planning a business reformation involves people, time and resources!
September 8, 2017
is the planned official release date of the book to the public. At that time, I hope you'll continue your angel ways and be a part of the launch team that shares images and messages on social media. We will need help getting the word out and getting sales via and other outlets.
This weekend I will complete my fourth round of deep edits on the manuscript. Then, off it goes to Julie Holzmann, my eagle-eyed wordproofer, who will clean it up even further and return it to me for one final edit before going to press. There's a reason why books are called works.
Thanks to the success of this Publishizer crowd sourcing venture I was approach by 6 potential publishers. After sorting and then careful consideration I decided to go the self-published route, yet leveraging the advice, talent and team of my dear friend and trusted colleague David W. Welday, CEO(!) of Higher Life. Every book production needs a quarterback and Dave is my starter.
So there you have the update on the past and the plans for the future. We're making progress!
Be On-Purpose!
PS: Let me leave you with a prediction.