The Emergence of A New Class of Business Leader
Embark on a hero’s journey from Chief Executive Officer-to-Chief Leadership Officer. This easy-reading story walks you into the future of business leadership. Learn the CLO precepts and practices to embrace the promise of being an authentic business leader. Regardless of whether you're an entrepreneur or CEO, you'll want to be a part of this truly profit-making business renaissance.
Thanks Angels for writing to let me know your books have arrived and thanking me for the bonus book(s). Several Angels have asked, "What's Next? How can I help?" Here's some suggestions for you.
1. Read the book! It seems pretty obvious, but I'm just checking to make sure you've read it and want to share it.
2. Share the bonus book(s) with CEOs you know. I'm especially interested in reach the following CEOs:
3. Take a photo of yourself with your copy of Chief Leadership Officer. Post it on your social media along with giving the CLO website: so people can order copies from us.
4. Write or record an endorsement. Send me a copy please and then post your endorsement to your social media along with the website. I would like to create an endorsements page on the website.
5. Write a 5 Star review on Goodreads or
6. Join the Chief Leadership Officer group on LinkedIn. We're just getting started and the more members the better. Not a lot of activity planned until the Fall but it will be a great place to connect.
7. Do you know a journalist or media personality, especially in the business / leadership journalism area? Please introduce me for a possible feature article. One of our goals is to get a Chief Leadership Officer wikipedia page regarding the concept of CLO as well as a Kevin W. McCarthy author page.
8. Do you know someone who is hosting an event, conference or convention and needs a keynote speaker for a business topic. What about a CEO group like C12 or Vistage looking for a part or full-day workshop? Please email introduce us.
9. Typos, if you find any typos, please let us know. Even after proofreading things can still slip through the cracks.
10. Are you a CEO, then become a CLO! Email us to learn more.