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Craft Your Calling

Marc Casciani

A 30-day Warm Up Before Your Training Begins

Are you happy in your career? Does it feel like a job or a calling? This book trains professionals to craft their calling.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   18,235 words   100% complete   7 publishers interested
163 preorders
$3,260.00 funded


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Update #1 - Craft Your Calling has hit 50 pre-orders! May 6, 2020

Thank you so much for your interest and support. Craft Your Calling has reached 50 pre-orders in the first day of the campaign. The enthusiastic response is truly a blessing.

I would also be grateful if you'd be so kind to spread the word to your friends, family and connections. You can easily do that by sending this link to them:

Craft Your Calling by Marc Casciani

The pre-order campaign ends on June 4, 2020 at 8 am EDT. The bonus offers will also expire at the conclusion of the campaign. I need to pre-sell 500 copies by then before proceeding with a publisher. I am so appreciative of your help.

