An introvert's guide to creating things people want
Understanding people and how they want is challenging. We have more information than insight and less time than ideas. Let's tackle those!
Thank you for supporting my book campaign! These few days, I've been amazed by 1) the power of iteration when writing, 2) the beauty of being able to learn from anyone, and 3) the joy of making a great graphic. Two of those graphics-in-progress below -- I promised flowcharts, and I will deliver "flowcharts" (as well as actual flowcharts!)
1) Why do we buy some things and ignore others? We make purchasing decisions that go beyond the basics of "how much does this cost" and "does this do what I want" -- one framework for thinking about why we buy things is "values." We pick things that build our identity; these purchases impact both how we feel about ourselves and how others see us. Here's Schwartz's Values Circumplex applied, really loosely, to purchasing decisions:
2) An Introvert's Guide to Interviewing. As an introvert, I like to put things into clusters, think about the meta-level, and observe... but I'm not as fond of socialising for the sake of it. Here's a few challenges I've face when trying to learn more about my customers -- specifically by talking to them -- and how I overcome/get around them!
Would you share Customerology? Here are some messages you can use :)
a) If you know someone who'd like to better understand their customers, to know the best practices and particularly challenges of doing so, please share this msg:
"I remember you wanted some tools for understanding customers! My friend Angela is compiling best practices, challenges, and making research practical -- take a look at her upcoming book! You'll have to preorder by April 19th, however:"
b) If you know someone who'd like beautiful headshots/candids, please share this message! You're also welcome to upgrade your current status!
"I remember you were looking for some beautiful headshots? My friend Angela takes ones with... great energy and authenticity! (See You can get a great deal on a photoshoot if you support her "understanding customers" book before April 19th! I recommend the "headshots" or "beautiful candids" reward options:"
Angela O